| 9th Annual Meeting of the Danish Society for Economic and Social History | Private (National) | Finished | 01-11-2023 |
| Aesthetic community organization | Public (National) | Running | 21-02-2019 |
| Beyond Pinkwash: Pride Parades and Integrative civil Religion | Public (National) | Finished | 01-01-2020 |
| Bygningsrelateret kunst: en dynamisk disciplin | Private (National) | Finished | 01-09-2020 |
| Bylivets Sorte Omstilling | Private (National) | Running | 18-05-2022 |
CALLIOPE | Calliope: Cultural, artisanal and creative industries for the Anthropocene | | Finished | 19-08-2022 |
| Civil Diversitet | Private (National) | Finished | 12-04-2023 |
| Confessionalization in Society and the Ethical Neutrality of Companies | Public (National) | Finished | 01-07-2021 |
| Congress Participation - International Workshop on Craft and Emerging Forms of Organizing, Japan | Private (National) | Running | 18-03-2024 |
| Corporate Subjects: An Intellectual History of the Corporation | Private (National) | Running | 01-08-2022 |
| Craft: Making New Forms in a Broken World. | Private (National) | Finished | 01-07-2022 |
| Danske Bank and the Danes 1871 - 2021 | Private (National) | Finished | 01-09-2022 |
| EUopSTART - Traditional crafts for green and circular future | Public (National) | Finished | 01-11-2021 |
CHERUBINI | EUopStart - Cultural HERitage in Urban and rural tranformatIoN | Public (National) | Finished | 01-01-2022 |
| Eliteforsk Travel Grant: Cristine Dyhrberg Højgaard | Public (National) | Finished | 01-01-2022 |
| Eliteforsker 2023 - Travel grant | Public (National) | Finished | 01-01-2023 |
| Eliteforsker Prisen 2023 | Public (National) | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Emergency Politics in Nordic Democracies: The Civil Society Perspective | Public (International) | Finished | 01-01-2021 |
EnSuZa | Environmental sustainability of tourist hotels, Zanzibar | Public (National) | Finished | 01-01-2018 |
| Equality, diversity and inclusion as a moralized market | Private (National) | Finished | 01-09-2021 |
| Foreign Visiting Professorship - Dimo Dimov | Private (National) | Finished | 01-03-2024 |
| Foucault Studies | Public (International) | Finished | 01-01-2023 |
| Foucault Studies 2021-2022 | Public (International) | Finished | 01-01-2021 |
GLOBALVALUE | Global Value Chain Law: Constituting Connectivity, Contracts and Corporations | EU | Running | 01-01-2023 |
| Gunnar Larsen 1902-73: Erhvervsleder og minister. En biografi | Private (National) | Running | 27-06-2024 |
| Hacking Copyright in the 21st Century | Public (International) | Finished | 01-12-2020 |
HEPHAESTUS | Heritage in EuroPe: new techHologies in crAft for prEserving and innovaTing fUtureS | EU | Running | 01-04-2023 |
| How to achieve higher real investments, higher growth, and more jobs in 2030 given the current discussions vis-à-vis international tax standards. | Public (International) | Finished | 22-05-2024 |
| Konferencebidrag "The Gender Conference 2024" | Private (National) | Running | 15-10-2024 |
| Konferencebidrag - "The Gender Conference, 2024" | Private (National) | Finished | 01-09-2024 |