WORKSHOP Historical Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research: Toward a “New Entrepreneurial History”

In recent years, scholars have grown increasingly interested in the promise of using historical sources and reasoning in entrepreneurship research. History, it has been argued, can be valuable in addressing a number of limitations in traditional approaches to studying entrepreneurship, including in providing multi-level perspectives on the entrepreneurial process, in accounting for contexts and institutions, in understanding the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic change, and in situating entrepreneurial behavior and cognition within the flow of time. Historical methods, in this regard, point the direction to both valuable sources and data for addressing such questions and to a body of historical theory from which to conceptualize context, time, and change analytically. Indeed, it is for many of these same reasons that Schumpeter called for theorists and historians to collaborate in the study of entrepreneurship.

Thursday, May 8, 2014 - 09:15 to Friday, May 9, 2014 - 09:15

WORKSHOP Historical Approaches to Entrepreneurship Research: Toward a “New Entrepreneurial History”

Location: Room Porcelænshaven 218 (Building 16B)

Dates: May 8-9, 2014

In recent years, scholars have grown increasingly interested in the promise of using historical sources and reasoning in entrepreneurship research. History, it has been argued, can be valuable in addressing a number of limitations in traditional approaches to studying entrepreneurship, including in providing multi-level perspectives on the entrepreneurial process, in accounting for contexts and institutions, in understanding the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic change, and in situating entrepreneurial behavior and cognition within the flow of time. Historical methods, in this regard, point the direction to both valuable sources and data for addressing such questions and to a body of historical theory from which to conceptualize context, time, and change analytically. Indeed, it is for many of these same reasons that Schumpeter called for theorists and historians to collaborate in the study of entrepreneurship.

This project seeks to re-kindle the unfinished dialogue between entrepreneurship theory and entrepreneurship history that Schumpeter envisioned, and to lay the foundations for reflective integration of history into entrepreneurship theory and of entrepreneurship theory into history. In doing so, our intention is itself entrepreneurial. We seek to examine how analytical attention to history, context, and time may reshape theories of entrepreneurship as well as how these theories in turn allow us to re-consider how we account for agency, time and change in history. Toward those ends, we invite those interested to an informal, initial workshop designed to raise foundational issues and questions and to develop plans moving forward. The program for the workshop can be found below. Those interested should contact Dan Wadhwani via email:

Workshop Program

May 8

9:15     Coffee

9:30     Welcome (Daniel Hjorth)

9:40     History and Entrepreneurship: Where have we been, where should we go? (Bill Gartner, Dan Wadhwani)

11:00   Break

11:15   Historicity of Entrepreneurship: Time, Uncertainty, Context, and Change (Robin Holt, Alfred Reckendrees)

12:30   Lunch

1:30     Sources, methods and forms of explanation/understanding (Jeff Fear, Christina Lubinski)

3:15     Break

3:30     Intersections: Strategy, Technology & Industry Formation (Ludovic Cailluet, David Kirsch)

5:00     Adjourn

6:30     Workshop Dinner

May 9

9:15     Coffee

9:30     Intellectual & Logistical Plans Moving Forward (Daniel Hjorth, Bill Gartner, Dan Wadhwani)

11:30   Adjourn

The page was last edited by: Department of Business Humanities and Law // 01/25/2024