
Department of Business Humanities and Law

Lita Sander
Professor emeritus

Room: POR/18.B-4.153
E-mail: lsl.bhl@cbs.dk
Lita Lundqvist
Curriculum Vitae
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Publications sorted by:
Lita Sander Lundquist; Helene Dyrbye / Danish Humour : Sink or Swim.
2.ed.Hellerup : Books on Demand 2023, 214 p.
Irène Baron; Lita Sander Lundquist / Les Danois sont-ils des incompris?
In: Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 55, No. Supplement 1, 2023, p. 147-167
Journal article > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Nordic Humour : A Question of Humour Socialisation?.
In: Nordlit, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2023
Journal article > peer review
Irène Baron; Lita Sander Lundquist; Henrik Høeg Müller / Préface
In: Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 55, No. sup1, 2023, 13 p., p. 1-13
Editorial > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist; Helene Dyrbye / Danish Humour : Sink or Swim.
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2022
Lita Lundquist / Humour Socialisation : Why the Danes are Not as Funny as They Think They are.
In: Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture and Communication, Vol. 12, 2021, p. 32-47
Journal article > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Humor er en sjov størrelse
In: Mål og Mæle, No. 41, 2020, p. 17-23
Journal article > peer review
Lita Sander Lundquist / Humorsocialisering : Hvorfor er danskerne (ikke) så sjove (som de selv tror)?.
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2020, 209 p.
Lita Lundquist / Le lexème humour en français et humor en danois : Culture, cognition et typologie lexicale.
In: Le lexique et ses implications: Entre typologie, cognition et culture. . ed. /Irène Baron; Louis Begioni; Michael Herslund; Alvaro Rocchetti. Paris : Armand Colin 2019, p. 103-116 (Langages: Revue internationale des sciences du langage, No. 214/2019)
Book chapter > peer review
Lita Lundquist; Magali Gravier / You Have Got to Be Joking! : A Study of Humour in the Political Context of the European Parliament.
In: Humor, Education and Art / El humor, la educación y el arte. ed. /Jacqueline Benavides Delgado. Bogota : Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia 2019, p. 99-128
Book chapter
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