Department of Accounting is proud to receive a considerable donation from ‘FSR – danske revisorer’ that supports an endowed professorship and the establishment of a research team. This strengthens research and education within auditing at the Department of Accounting.


Research and education in auditing
Capacity in audit research and teaching is important for (a) maintaining and developing the MSc. programme in auditing (cand.merc.aud.), (b) supporting the continuous flow of talent to the audit profession, (c) developing research that advance the understanding of auditing and assurance services in organizations, among stakeholders and in society, and (d) building knowledge bases within auditing in order to disseminate knowledge to students, the audit profession and society.

The FSR endowed professorship bolsters this capacity and provides a platform from which CBS, MSc. programmes in auditing, FSR and audit firms can interact and collaborate on audit research and teaching. Audit research can clearly benefit from this platform. The platform provides researchers with greater opportunities for data access and for interactions with practitioners in order for research projects to stay in sync with on-going developments within the profession and in society. The aim is to conduct research of a high international standard that has implications for practitioners, policy-making and research-based teaching.

University teaching in auditing has over the years sustained and benefited from an extensive collaboration between audit academics and audit practitioners. An important aspect of the donation is that it provides further attention to the recruitment of young talented researchers that might pursue academic careers and thereby ensure research-based teaching in the future.

Facts about the FSR Endowed Professorship in Auditing
The donation is running five years from 2021 and supports an endowed professorship, an associate or assistant professor, three PhD positions and related research activities.

The FSR Endowed Professor in Auditing is Thomas Riise Johansen.

The page was last edited by: Department of Accounting // 05/03/2021