Center for Corporate Governance





Cannito, D., Holten A., L., Bøllingtoft, A., Clink, E., C. & Spring, V., D., H. (2021) Digital ledelsestræning: Effekter og erfaringer. Frederiksberg : iLEAD 2021, p. 62.

Kirchmaier, T., Ferreira, D., Kershaw, D., & Schuster, E. (2021). Management Insulation and Bank Failures. In: Journal of Financial Intermediation. 47, 11 s., 100909.

Rose, C. & Schaumburg-Müller, P. (2021). Bestyrelseskontrakter i retlig belysning: Gammel vin på nye flasker eller et nyt brugbart redskab? Feb 2021, In: Revision & Regnskabsvæsen. 90, 2, p. 54-ff 8 p.

Sigurjonsson, O., Jonsdottir, G. E., Alavi, A. R., & Mitchell, J. (2021). Applying Responsible Ownership to Advance SDGs and the ESG Framework, Resulting in the Issuance of Green Bonds. Sustainability, 13(13), [7331].

Sigurjonsson, O,. Magnúsdóttir, H. & Arnardottir, A. A.. (2021). Á tilnefningarnefnd að vera undirnefnd stjórnar eða hluthafa? Skoðanir ólíkra hagaðila. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál [Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics], 18(1), 67-87.

Thomsen, S. & Hansmann, H. (2021). The Governance of Foundation-owned Firms. In: Journal of Legal Analysis, Vol. 13, 2021, p. 172-230.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2021). Tab af arbejdspladser ved konkurser?


Book / Book Chapters

Kirchmaier, T., & Gerner-Beuerle, C. (2021). Corporate Governance in South Asia: Trends and Challenges. Asian Development Bank.

Ohnemus, L. (2021). Internationalisering og diversitet i bestyrelsen. In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Lærebog i bestyrelsesledelse (pp. 135-149). Djøf Forlag.

Sigurjonsson, O.  & Schwartzkopf, D. (2021). AI's Manifold Role in Business Ethics Education. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch, W. Amann, R. R. Sharma, & F. Jabeen (Eds.), Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (pp. 27-40). Information Age Publishing. Research in Management Education and Development.

Strand, T., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2021). Hvad skal der til for at komme ind i en bestyrelse? In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Lærebog i bestyrelsesledelse (pp. 101-134). Djøf Forlag.

Thomsen, S. (Ed.) (2021). Lærebog i bestyrelsesledelse. Djøf Forlag.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Bestyrelsens vigtigste opgaver: De 4 esser. In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Lærebog i bestyrelsesledelse (pp. 27-47). Djøf Forlag.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Bestyrelsesledelse: En oversigt. In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Lærebog i bestyrelsesledelse (pp. 17-24). Djøf Forlag.

Westergård-Nielsen, N., Andersen, T. M., Bentzen, J., Hougaard Jensen, S. E. & Smith, V. (2021). The Danish Economy in a Global Context, 2. ed. København: Djøf Forlag. p. 275


Discussion/Working papers

Kirchmaier, T., Grogger, J., Gupta, S. & Ivandic, R. (2021) Comparing Conventional and Machine-learning Approaches to Risk Assessment in Domestic Abuse Cases. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), p. 37.

Kirchmaier, T., Langella, M. & Manning, A. (2021). Commuting for Crime. London : Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics and Political Science 2021, p. 58.

Kirchmaier, T., Ivandic, R., & Torres-Blas, N. (2021). Football, Alcohol and Domestic Abuse. Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics and Political Science. CEP Discussion Paper No. 1781.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2021). Nye Virksomheder.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2021). Startups revisited: Are all start-ups true start-ups?



Birkmose, H. S., Ohnemus, L., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2021). Det er blevet så svært at få godkendt en ny bankdirektør, at vi tvinger bankerne til at fusionere. Berlingske, 24-25.

Kirchmaier, T. & Villa-Llera, C. (2021). How Are Crime Trends in England and Wales Changing during the Pandemic? London: Economics Observatory.

Ohnemus, L, Damsgaard, J., Hedman, J., Christensen, L., Birkmose, H. S., Andhov, A. & Feldthusen, R. K. (2021). Hvis Danmark ikke får en e-krone, mister vi mulighed for selv at bestemme. Berlingske. p. 24-25

Thomsen, S. (2021). Bestyrelsesformand kalder EU-forslag grænseoverskridende - det har han ret i. Berlingske. Simon Bendtsen

Thomsen, S. (2021). Bæredygtighed er et krav til bestyrelser.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Bæredygtighedskomitéer på vej? EU sætter pres på bestyrelserne.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Carlsberg gør klar til første formand udefra. Børsen. Morten Jasper

Thomsen, S. (2021). Eksperter: Sådan skal formandens møgsag håndteres af bestyrelsen. Jakob Thomsen

Thomsen, S. (2021). Forskere advarer om EU's Sustainable Corporate Governance. Joachim Kattrup 

Thomsen, S. (2021). Forskere frygter at EU-forslag vil svække dansk erhvervsliv. Mathias Julius Falkengaard

Thomsen, S. (2021). Dårlige historier har fået de erhvervsdrivende fonde op af tornerosesøvnen. Henriette Kinnunen

Thomsen, S. (2021). Klimakompetencer er en mangelvare i bestyrelseslokaler. Mandag Morgen. Anna Fenger Schefte

Thomsen, S. (2021). Mursten om VKR har styr på detaljerne. Børsen. Henrik Ørholst

Thomsen, S. (2021). Pro­fes­sor glæ­der sig over Carls­berg-ma­nøv­re: ''E­je­re har ofte en tæt re­la­tion til virk­som­he­den og kan som­me ti­der have van­ske­ligt ved at se sko­ven for bare træ­er''. Bø Morten Jasper

Thomsen, S. (2021). Researchers warn about EU Sustainable Corporate Governance. Joachim Kattrup

Thomsen, S. (2021). Sådan sætter du bæredygtighed på bestyrelsens agenda. // Laura Vilsbæk

Thomsen, S. (2021). Syv principper for bæredygtig selskabsledelse. Børsen. s. 34-35 2.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Kan verdensmålene blive et selvmål? Børsen, 30-31.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Er vi blevet risikoforskrækkede? In: Børsen, 3.5.2021

Thomsen, S. (2021). Erhvervslivets politiske ansvar efter Trump. In: Børsen, 3.2.2021, p. 38-39

Thomsen, S. (2021). Kapitalismen er et sejlivet dyr. In: Børsen, 6.1.2021, p. 4

Thomsen, S. (2021). Offentligt-privat samarbejde stiller krav. In: Børsen, 7.4.2021, p. 38-39

Thomsen, S. (2021). Slutningen på samfundets krisetilstand. In: Børsen, 1.3.2021, p. 34-35

Thomsen, S. (2021). Støj udfordrer eksperternes vurderinger. Børsen, 30.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Globaliseringen har tabt sin status - men er nødvendig. Børsen, p. 42-43.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Ældresamfundet er kun lige begyndt. Børsen, p. 34-35.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Kvoter er stadig den dårligste løsning - Norge er beviset. Børsen, p. 35.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. & Ulrich, A., (2021). Behov for opgør med iværksættermyten. Børsen. s. 35.

Thomsen, S. (2021). Kapitalismen er et sejlivet dyr. Børsen, 4.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2021). Vi har færre iværksættere, og de har det vanskeligere, end vi troede.  København :



Gregorič, A., & Poulsen, T. (2020). When Do Employees Choose to Be Represented on the Board of Directors? Empirical Analysis of Board-level Employee Representation in Denmark. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 58(2), 241-272.

Kirchmaier, T., Machin, S., Sandi, M., & Witt, R. (2020). Prices, Policing and Policy: The Dynamics of Crime Booms and Busts. Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(2), 1040–1077.

Jonsdottir, G. E., Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Poulsen, T. (2020). Ownership Strategy: A Governance Mechanism for Collective Action and Responsible Ownership. Corporate Ownership and Control, 17(3), 34-45.

Rose, C. (2020). Erstatningsansvaret efter Coronakrisen: Hvad bestyrelsen især bør have fokus på? Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, (6), 40-42. 

Rikhardsson, P., Wendt, S., Arnardottir, A. A., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2020). Is More Really Better? Performance Measure Variety and Environmental Uncertainty. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Budsaratragoon, P., Lhaopadchan, S., & Thomsen, S. (2020). Community and Compensation: Director Remuneration in Thailand. Research in International Business and Finance, 52, [101124].

An, S. H., Meier, K. J., Ladenburg, J., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2020). Leadership and Job Satisfaction: Addressing Endogeneity With Panel Data From a Field Experiment. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 40(4), 589-612.


Book / Book Chapters



Conference papers

Sigurjonsson, O., Arnardottir, A. A., Jiao, H., Zhu, Y., & Schwartzkopf, D. (2020). Cultures and Economies Apart: Similar Business Ethics Education Needed. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020, 


Discussion/Working papers

Grogger, J., Ivandic, R., & Kirchmaier, T. (2020). Comparing Conventional and Machine-learning Approaches to Risk Assessment in Domestic Abuse Cases. Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics and Political Science. CEP Discussion Paper, No. 1676

Kirchmaier, T., Machin, S., & Villa-Llera, C. (2020). Gangs and Knife Crime in London. Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics and Political Science. CEP Discussion Paper



Kirchmaier, T., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2020, Jul 22). Sparebanden har ført en ødelæggende besparelsespolitik. København:

Kjær, C. (2020). Virk­som­heds­ansvar kan kræ­ve ofre på bund­linj­en, men er guld værd på lang sigt.

Birkmose, H. S., & Ohnemus, L. (2020). Banksektor er havnet i skakmatsituation. Børsen, 4. 

Ohnemus, L., & Richter, C. (2020). Life science-styrkeposition skal forstærkes. Børsen, 2.

Ohnemus, L. (2020). Har bestyrelserne overhovedet forstået risikoen i en global verden? Finans.

Bjørnskov, C., Bonde, H., Dahl, M., Fosgerau, M., Foss, N. J., Frederiksen, L., Fynbo, H. O. U., Fynbo, J. P. U., Kurrild-Klitgaard, P., Laursen, K., Tanggaard Pedersen, L., Stjernfelt, F., Stubager, R., & Thomsen, S. (2020). Vi oplever et stigende pres på forskningsfriheden og universiteterne. Berlingske, 24.

Thomsen, S. (2020). Virksomheder med formål tjener flere penge. Børsen. 

Thomsen, S. (2020). Konsulenter er ikke altid den bedste løsning. Børsen, 4.   

Thomsen, S. (2020). Drop hykleriet og sæt CO2-afgifterne op. Børsen, 4. 

Thomsen, S. (2020). Lederskab afgør hvordan vi klarer krisen. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2020). Coronakrisens lektioner i ledelse. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2020). Kinesisk kapital midt i en krisetid. Børsen, 4. 

Thomsen, S. (2020). Blackrock er en del af problemet. Børsen, 4. 

Thomsen, S. (2020). Erhvervsklimaet er grønt og giftigt. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2020). Krisen er et wakeup-call for risikostyring. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2020). Ulighedsdebatten vender tilbage. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (Performer), Thormann, A. (Producer), & Rasmussen, H. F. (Producer). (2020). Rig på viden. S1-E5: Steen Thomsen: Erhvervsdrivende fonde - fremtid eller fortid?. Sound/Visual production (digital), Rig på viden.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2020). Det kan godt betale sig for samfundet at smide en redningsplanke til virksomhederne. Berlingske, 21.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2020, Mar 23). Sådan kommer Europa igennem krisen. Aarhus: Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten. 

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2020, Mar 30). Vi skal stoppe spredningen af den økonomiske virus. København:



Gregoric, A., & Rapp, M. S. (2019). Board-level Employee Representation (BLER) and Firms’ Responses to Crisis. Industrial Relations, 58(3), 376-422.

Kirchmaier, T. (2019). Introduction to Regressions: Understanding Regression Analysis in the Context of Murders and Gangs in London. Thames Valley Police Journal, 4, 84-94.

Kirchmaier, T. (2019). Averages: Powerful, and so Easily Abused. Thames Valley Police Journal, 4, 71-73.

Lundtofte, F., & Nielsen, C. Y. (2019). The Effect of Stricter Capital Regulation on Banks' Risk‐Taking: Theory and Evidence. European Financial Management, 25(5), 1229-1248.

Blach, C. T., Dueholm, J., & Rose, C. (2019). Effekten af Cornerstone-investorer ved børsnoteringer: Et empirisk studie. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 21(2), 35-55. 

Rose, C. (2019). Stock Market Reactions to CEO Succession Announcements: Inside Versus Outside Recruitment? Journal of Management and Governance, 23(1), 33–65.

Rose, C., & Schaumburg-Müller, P. (2019). Aktionærrettighedsdirektivet: Konsekvenserne af implementeringen for danske børsselskaber. Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, 88(1), 48-69. 

Rose, C., & Schaumburg-Müller, P. (2019). Gennemførelse af det nye aktionærrettighedsdirektiv - 2. del: Tilskyndelsen til aktivt ejerskab med vægt på konsekvenserne for finansielle virksomheder. Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, 88(3), 32-50. 

Rose, C., & Marie Hagen, I. (2019). The Perceived Influence of Employee Board Members on Decisions in Denmark and Norway. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 25(3), 247–260.

Rose, C., & Schaumburg-Müller, P. (2019). Opsamling på implementeringen af ændringerne i aktionærrettighedsdirektivet - 3. del. Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, 88(8), 42-49. [RR.8.2019.42].

Bryant, M., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2019). Wells Fargo and Company: Shareholder Derivative Action Should the Case Succeed in Federal Court for the Board of Directors? International Journal of Critical Accounting, 11(1).

Sigurjonsson, O., & Magnússon, J. B. (2019). Samskipti fagfjárfesta við félög sem þeir eru hluthafar í. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál [Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics], 16(2), 105-122.

Jensen, U. T., Andersen, L. B., Bro, L. L., Bøllingtoft, A., Mundbjerg Eriksen, T. L., Holten, A-L., Jacobsen, C. B., Ladenburg, J., Nielsen, P. A., Salomonsen, H. H., Westergård-Nielsen, N., & Würtz, A. (2019). Conceptualizing and Measuring Transformational and Transactional Leadership. Administration & Society, 51(1), 3-33.


Book / Book Chapters

Thomsen, S., & Conyon, M. (2019). Corporate Governance and Board Decisions. Djøf Forlag.

Thomsen, S. (Ed.) (2019). Selskabsledelse i foreningsejede finansielle selskaber. Copenhagen Business School, CBS.

Nielsen, C. Y., Levorsen, S., Meelby, A. C., Svendsen, S. V., & Thomsen, S. (2019). Analyse af performance. In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Selskabsledelse i foreningsejede finansielle selskaber (pp. 78-103). Copenhagen Business School, CBS.

Poulsen, T. (2019). Executive summary. In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Selskabsledelse i foreningsejede finansielle selskaber (pp. 5-12). Copenhagen Business School, CBS.

Feldthusen, R. K., Thomsen, S., & Svendsen, S. (2019). Håndtering af interessekonflikter. In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Selskabsledelse i foreningsejede finansielle selskaber (pp. 206-257). Copenhagen Business School, CBS.

Thomsen, S. (2019). Foreningseje som langsigtet ejerskab. In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Selskabsledelse i foreningsejede finansielle selskaber (pp. 258-288). Copenhagen Business School, CBS.

Thomsen, S. (2019). Erhvervslivets fremtidige ejerformer. In N. Kærgård, H. O. Hansen, J. S. Schou, & B. J. Thorsen (Eds.), Samfundsudviklingen på langt sigt: Vore børnebørns verden (pp. 150-154). Det Kongelige Danske Landhusholdningsselskab. Tidsskrift for Landoekonomi, No. Særnummer, Vol.. 205


Conference papers

Hulgård, N., Thomsen, S., & Kuhn, J. M. (2019). Foundation Ownership and Firm Performance: Difference-in-Differences Estimation. 42. Paper presented at 11th Nordic Corporate Governance Network Conference, Oslo, Norway.

Sigurjonsson, T., Poulsen, T., & Jonsdottir, G. (2019). Ownership Strategy: A New Governance Mechanism for Collective Action and Responsible Ownership. Paper presented at The 19th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2019, Lissabon, Portugal

Seguí-Mas, E., Tormo-Carbó, G., Sigurjonsson, T., & Arnardottir, A. A. (2019). The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind: Exploring Environmental Factors in the Icelandic Business Ethics Education. Paper presented at The 19th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2019, Lissabon, Portugal.


Discussion/Working papers

Bjerregaard, E., & Kirchmaier, T. (2019). The Danske Bank Money Laundering Scandal: A Case Study. Copenhagen Business School, CBS.

Ivandic, R., Kirchmaier, T., & Machin, S. (2019). Jihadi Attacks, Media and Local Hate Crime. IZA. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 12352, Centre for Economic Policy Research. Discussion Papers, No. 13743

Kirchmaier, T. (2019). Policing and Crime. Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics and Political Science. CEP Election Analysis, No. EA055



Buch-Hansen, H., Bundgaard, L., Burø, T., Carstensen, M. B., Delventhal, J., Feuls, M., Foverskov, L., Frandsen, S. L., Geraldi, J., Hasselbalch, J., Henriksen, L. F., Holck, L., Hulgård, N., Jacobsen, S. G., Jensen, M., Jeppesen, S., Jespersen, K., Knudsen, M., Lund, J., Nielsen, C. Y... Westenholz, A. (2019). Det er tid til at afvikle den danske produktion af fossil energi. Berlingske, 28-29.

Ivandic, R., Kirchmaier, T., & Machin, S. (2019). Jihadi Attacks: The Media and Anti-muslim Hate Crime . CentrePiece, 24(2), 26-28.

Westergård-Nielsen, N., & Larsen, C. B. L. (2019). Ejerledelse og medarbejder fastholdelse. Center for Ejerledede Virksomheder, Copenhagen Business School

Westergård-Nielsen, N., & Larsen, C. B. L. (2019). Bestyrelser i ejerledede virksomheder. Center for Ejerledede Virksomheder, Copenhagen Business School

Thomsen, S. (2019). Set, læst og hørt. Mandag Morgen, (40), 30. 

Thomsen, S. (2019). Den kapitalistiske grundtanke udfordres. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2019). Politik skal på bestyrelsernes dagsorden. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2019). Hvorfor er der så mange fejlansættelser? Børsen, 4. 

Thomsen, S. (2019). Stabilt fondsejerskab får en renæssance. Børsen, 4

Thomsen, S. (2019). Tiden kalder på samfundsansvar. Børsen, 4. 

Thomsen, S. (2019). Klimakamp bliver ikke kapitalismens død. Børsen, 4

Thomsen, S. (2019). Har vi skræmt de gode bestyrelser væk? Børsen, 4. 

Thomsen, S. (2019). Statseje og statsstyre skal ikke forveksles. Børsen, 4.   

Thomsen, S. (2019). Virksomhedsformål er en positiv nyskabelse. Børsen, 4.   

Thomsen, S. (2019). Politisk klimaredegørelser uden handling. Børsen, 4.   

Thomsen, S. (2019). Nordsøen er fyldt med både følelser og økonomi. Børsen, 4.   

Thomsen, S. (2019). Uafhængig Facebook-fond: Top eller flop? Børsen, 4.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2019). Den forkerte vej. Weekendavisen, 15



Blanes i Vidal, J., & Kirchmaier, T. (2018). The Effect of Police Response Time on Crime Clearance Rates. The Review of Economic Studies, 85(2), 855-891.

Nielsen, C. Y., & Ohnemus, L. C. (2018). Etablering af mål for egenkapitalforrentning hos banker: Hvad kan aktionærerne forvente som afkast? Finans/Invest, (6), 21-26. 

Thomsen, S., Poulsen, T., Børsting, C., & Kuhn, J. (2018). Industrial Foundations as Long‐term Owners. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 26(3), 180-196.

Bang, N. D., Nøhr, K. W., & Rose, C. (2018). Er hedgefondsaktivisme positivt for aktionærerne? Et europæisk baseret studie. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 20(3), 1-22. 

Bang, N. D., Nøhr, K. W., & Rose, C. (2018). Hedgefondes aktivist kampagner: Analyse af hvorvidt værdiskabelsen til aktionærerne afhænger af målselskabers og hedgefondes geografiske hjemsted. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 21(4), 1-16. 

Rose, C., Lerkerød, M., & Sørheim, D. (2018). Aktionærernes reaktion på meddelelser om overtagelse af nordiske børsnoterede selskaber: Skabes der værdi og i givet fald for hvem? Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, 87(7), 30-41. 

Faigen, B., Mygind, N., Sigurjonsson, O., & Arnardottir, A. A. (2018). Three Dimensions of Employees Acquiring Shares in Their Firms: Personal Characteristics, Motives and Type of Ownership. Economic and Industrial Democracy.

Pertold, F., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2018). Firm Insurance and Sickness Absence of Employees. International Journal of Manpower, 39(1), 133-151.


Book / Book Chapters

Grant, J., Kirchmaier, T., & Nigro, C. A. (2018). Convertible Bonds and the Best Price Rule: The Celesio Case. In J. Grant (Ed.), European Takeovers: The Art of Acquisition (2. ed., pp. 39-52). Globe Law and Business. 

Rose, C. (2018). Denmark: Are Board-Level Employee Representatives Representative of Current Industrial Sectors or, If Not, What Are the Consequences? In J. Waddington (Ed.), European Board-Level Employee Representation: National Variations in Influence and Power (pp. 25-49). Wolters Kluwer.

Arnardottir, A. A., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2018). Restoring Trust Through Improved Corporate Governance and Adherence to Gender Quotas. In T. O. Sigurjonsson, D. L. Schwarzkopf, & M. Bryant (Eds.), The Return of Trust?: Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis (pp. 227-244). Emerald Group Publishing.  

Bryant, M., Sigurjonsson, O., & Mixa, M. W. (2018). Governance Mechanisms Post-Crisis. In T. O. Sigurjonsson, D. L. Schwarzkopf, & M. Bryant (Eds.), The Return of Trust?: Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis (pp. 245-262). Emerald Group Publishing.

Schwarzkopf, D. L., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2018). Discursive Control Using Emotion and Economics During a Financial Crisis. In T. O. Sigurjonsson, D. L. Schwarzkopf, & M. Bryant (Eds.), The Return of Trust?: Institutions and the Public after the Icelandic Financial Crisis (pp. 29-52). Emerald Group Publishing. 

Thomsen, S. (2018). Foundation Ownership and Firm Performance: A Review of the International Evidence. In C. Driver, & G. Thompson (Eds.), Corporate Governance in Contention (pp. 66-85). Oxford University Press.


Conference papers

Gregoric, A., & Rapp, M. S. (2018). Board-level Employee Representation and Firm´s Responses to Crisis. Paper presented at IZA Workshop on the Economics of Employee Representation, Bonn, Germany.

Nielsen, C. Y., & Ohnemus, L. C. (2018). Targeting Return on Equity: Banks’ Ownership Structure and Risk Taking. Paper presented at Young Scholars Nordic Finance Workshops 2018, Bergen, Norway.

Arnardottir, A. A., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2018). Directors' Assessment of Changes in Board Key Functioning and Dynamics in the Wake of Gender Quota. Paper presented at The 18th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Discussion/Working papers

Kirchmaier, T., Machin, S., Sandi, M., & Witt, R. (2018). Prices, Policing and Policy: The Dynamics of Crime Booms and Busts. IZA. IZA Discussion Paper, No. 11490

Thomsen, S., Poulsen, T., Børsting, C. W., & Kuhn, J. M. (2018). Industrial Foundations as Long-Term Owners. European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI). ECGI Working Paper in Finance, No. 556/2018



Kirchmaier, T. (2018). Hvidvaskning - en epidemi der er svær at komme til livs. Jyllands-Posten, 2. 

Ohnemus, L. C., & Kirchmaier, T. (2018, Mar 1). Verdens centralbanker og kryptovalutaer er fanget i et skæbnefællesskab.

Bendtsen, S. (Performer), Kirchmaier, T. (Performer), & Olrik, M. (Producer). (2018). Danske Bank vil sætte punktum for sin hvidvaskningsskandale. Det bliver svært. Sound/Visual production (digital), Zetland.

Besenbacher, F., Søgaard Hansen, H., Martens, K. T., Feldthusen, R. K., & Thomsen, S. (2018). Ny fondsmodel baner vej for nye fonde. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2018). Tech-virksomhederne kan ramme muren. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2018). Hvornår skal vi forbyde bitcoin? Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2018). Danske Bank fri fra gabestokken. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2018). Ansvarligt ejerskab er et langt, sejt træk. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2018). FN's verdensmål viser vej for erhvervslivet. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2018). Fra direktør til bestyrelsesformand? Børsen, 4.

Hansmann, H., & Thomsen, S. (2018, Mar 1). The Governance of Foundation-Owned Firms. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2018). Det er for tidligt at aflyse kriseberedskabet. Børsen, 4.



Birkmose, H. S., Clausen, N. J., & Ohnemus, L. (2017). Bankbestyrelsens byrder: Jura, risikostyring eller forretningsudvikling? Finans/Invest, (1), 6-13.

Børsting, C. W., & Thomsen, S. (2017). Foundation Ownership, Reputation, and Labour. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 33(2), 317-338.,

Buhai, I. S., Cottini, E., & Westergaard-Nielsen, N. (2017). How Productive Is Workplace Health and Safety? Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(4), 1086-1104.

Estrin, S., Nielsen, B. B., & Nielsen, S. (2017). Emerging Market Multinational Companies and Internationalization: The Role of Home Country Urbanization. Journal of International Management, 23(3), 326-339.

Gammeltoft, P., & Hobdari, B. (2017). Emerging Market Multinationals: International Knowledge Flows and Innovation. International Journal of Technology Management, 74(1-4), 1-22.

Gregoric, A., Oxelheim, L., Randoy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2017). Resistance to Change in the Corporate Elite: Female Directors' Appointments onto Nordic Boards. Journal of Business Ethics, 141(2), 267-287.

Hobdari, B., Gammeltoft, P., Li, J., & Meyer, K. E. (2017). The Home Country of the MNE: The Case of Emerging Economy Firms. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 34(1), 1-17.

Rose, C. (2017). The Relationship Between Corporate Governance Characteristics and Credit Exposure in Banks: Implications for Financial Regulation. European Journal of Law and Economics, 43(1), 167-194.

Rose, C., & Guldbech, P. (2017). Analyse af, hvilke faktorer der påvirker præmien ved majoritetstilbud på børsnoterede selskaber på NASDAQ QMX Nordic. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 19(2/3), 52-77.

Rose, C., Sørheim, D., & Lerkerød, M. (2017). In Search of Value Drivers in Mergers and Acquisitions: The Nordic Evidence. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 12(1), 1-28.

Villesèche, F., & Josserand, E. (2017). Formal Women-only Networks: Literature Review and Propositions. Personnel Review, 46(5), 1004-1018.


Book / Book Chapters

Andersen, T. M., Bentzen, J., Hougaard Jensen, S. E., Smith, V., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2017). The Danish Economy in a Global Context. Djøf Forlag.

Andersen, L. B., Bro, L. L., Bøllingtoft, A., Mundbjerg Eriksen, T. L., Holten, A-L., Jacobsen, C. B., Jensen, U. T., Ladenburg, J., Nielsen, P. A., Salomonsen, H. H., Westergård-Nielsen, N., & Würtz, A. (2017). Ledelse i offentlige og private organisationer. Hans Reitzels Forlag. Statskundskab Vol. 20

Thomsen, S. (2017). The Danish Industrial Foundations. Djøf Forlag.

Arna Arnardóttir, A., & Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2017). Gender Diversity on Boards in Iceland: Pathway to Gender Quota Law Following a Financial Crisis. In C. Seierstad, P. Gabaldon, & H. Mensi-Klarbach (Eds.), Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: Volume 1: The Use of Different Quota Regulations (pp. 75-101). Palgrave Macmillan.

Gregoric, A., & Hansen, J. L. (2017). Women’s Path to the Boardroom: The Case of Denmark. In C. Seierstad, P. Gabaldon, & H. Mensi-Klarbach (Eds.), Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: Volume 2: Multiple Approaches Beyond Quotas (Vol. 2, pp. 159-181). Palgrave Macmillan.

Strand, T. (2017). An Economic View on Shareholder Duties in Corporate Governance. In H. S. Birkmose (Ed.), Shareholders' Duties (pp. 51-67). Wolters Kluwer . European Company Law Series Vol. 12

Villeseche, F., & Sinani, E. (2017). Gender Diversity on Boards in Switzerland. In C. Seierstad, P. Gabaldon, & H. Mensi-Klarbach (Eds.), Gender Diversity in the Boardroom: Volume 2: Multiple Approaches Beyond Quotas (Vol. 2, pp. 183-203). Palgrave Macmillan.


Conference papers

Arna Arnardóttir, A., Sigurjonsson, O., & Terjesen, S. (2017). Boards and the Selection Procedures Post Gender Quotas. Paper presented at The 9th Nordic Corporate Governance Network Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Gregoric, A., & Poulsen, T. (2017). The Power of Non-Controlling Stake: Below Parity Representation of Employees on Corporate Boards. Paper presented at The 3rd Annual ICGS Conference, Rome, Italy.

Rusinova, V., & Wernicke, G. (2017). Enemy at the Gates: Short-selling and Firm Performance on Corporate Social Responsibility - Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Paper presented at Strategic Management Society 38th Annual International Conference. SMS 2018, Paris, France.


Discussion/Working papers

Nell, P. C., & Rabbiosi, L. (2017). Too Much Focus on Point Estimates: A Severe Trap in Hc Analytics. Copenhagen Business School, CBS.



Poulsen, T., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2017). Store banker lod krisen ramme små firmaer. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2017). Bestyrelser, hav evaluering som nytårsforsæt. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2017). Passiv investering er et udtryk for dårlig ledelse. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2017). Sæt finanssektoren fri for overregulering. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2017). Vi skal huske at sikre det langsigtede ejerskab. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2017). Domstolene er ikke en debatklub. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2017). Bestyrelser, engager jer i cybersikkerhed. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2017). Kammeratkapitalismen vinder frem. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2017). Der er så meget djøf'ere ikke forstår. Børsen, 4.

Poulsen, T., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2017). Overraskende forskning: Små banker har afgørende betydning for jobvækst. Berlingske, 14.

Østrup, F. (2017, Jan 10). Lad os skrue reformtempoet ned.

Østrup, F. (2017, Dec 1). Synspunkter om realkredit. OmFinans.



Adams, R. B., & Kirchmaier, T. (2016). Women on Boards in Finance and STEM Industries. American Economic Review, 106(5), 277-281.

Estrin, S., Meyer, K. E., Nielsen, B. B., & Nielsen, S. (2016). Home Country Institutions and the Internationalization of State Owned Enterprises: A Cross-Country Analysis. Journal of World Business, 51(2), 294-307.

Holck, L., Muhr, S. L., & Villeseche, F. (2016). Identity, Diversity and Diversity Management: On Theoretical Connections, Assumptions and Implications for Practice. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 35(1), 48-64.

Mixa, M. W., Bryant, M., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2016). The Reverse Side Effects of Mark to Market Accounting: Exista and the Saga of Leveraged Paper Profits. International Journal of Critical Accounting, 8(5/6), 463-477.

Østrup, F. (2016). Forliset i Korst-udvalget: Erhvervsorganisationerne og samarbejdspolitikken 1940-1941. Historisk Tidsskrift, 116(1), 31-72.

Rose, C. (2016). Firm Performance and Comply or Explain Disclosure in Corporate Governance. European Management Journal, 34(3), 202–222.

Strand, T. (2016). Short-termism in the European Union. The Columbia Journal of European Law, 22(1), 15-60.

Thomsen, S., Rose, C., & Kronborg, D. (2016). Employee Representation and Board Size in the Nordic Countries. European Journal of Law and Economics, 42(3), 471-490.

Thomsen, S. (2016). The Nordic Corporate Governance Model. Management and Organization Review, 12(1), 189-204.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Nordic Corporate Governance Revisited. Nordic Journal of Business, 65(1), 4-12.

Wernicke, G., & Mehlsen, K. (2016). Global Cities and Liability of Foreignness. European Journal of International Management, 10(1), 78-94.


Book / Book Chapters

Munar, A. M., & Villeseche, F. (2016). Gender and Academic Leadership Practices at Copenhagen Business School: An Action Research Project. Copenhagen Business School, CBS.

Rose, C. (2016). Bestyrelsens mange og nye roller i børsnoterede virksomheder også i salgssituationer: Et governance perspektiv. In A. C. Krøger-Petersen (Ed.), Project Disc: Topsil-sagen 2016 (pp. 86-89). LETT Advokatpartnerselskab.

Sjöstrand, S-E., Berglund, T., Grönberg, L., Kallifatides, M., Poulfelt, F., Pöyry, S., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2016). Nordisk bolagsstyrning: En närstudie av ägarstyrning och styrelseprocesser i 36 storföretag. Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research.

Sjöstrand, S-E., Berglund, T., Grönberg, L., Kallifatides, M., Poulfelt, F., Pöyry, S., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2016). Nordic Corporate Governance: An Extensive In-Depth Study of Corporate Governance and Board Practices in 36 Large Companies. Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research.


Conference papers

Colombo, M. G., Moreira, S., & Rabbiosi, L. (2016). Learning-by-Being-Acquired: Post-acquisition R&D Team Reorganization and Knowledge Transfer. In J. Humphreys (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (pp. 1736-1741). [17359] Academy of Management. Academy of Management Proceedings

Nielsen, S., Nielsen, B. B., & Andersson, U. (2016). A Cross-classified Analysis of the International Diversification-performance Relationship. In J. Humphreys (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (pp. 1218-1222). [14755] Academy of Management. Academy of Management Proceedings

Rusinova, V., & Wernicke, G. (2016). Access to Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. In J. Humphreys (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventy-sixth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Making Organizations Meaningful (pp. 1700-1705). [17174] Academy of Management. Academy of Management Proceedings

Rose, C. (2016). Good Faith and Game Theory. In A. Marciano, & G. B. Ramello (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Springer Science+Business Media.

Colombo, M. G., Moreira, S., & Rabbiosi, L. (2016). Learning-By-Being-Acquired: Post-Acquisition R&D Team Reorganization and Knowledge Transfer. Paper presented at The DRUID 20th Anniversary Conference 2016, København, Denmark.

Gammelgaard, J., & Hobdari, B. (2016). Re-Distribution of Value Chain Activities Following Acquisition in the Brewery Sector. Paper presented at The 42nd EIBA Annual Conference 2016. European International Business Academy, Wien, Austria.

Mixa, M. W., Bryant, M., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2016). The Role of a Hedge Fund: Accounting, Regulation and Wrongdoing Contributing to Financial Collapse in Iceland. Paper presented at 2016 International Conference of Critical Accounting, New York, .

Neamtu, I., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2016). The Real Effects of the Credit Constraints in the Economic Crisis. Paper presented at 13 th EUROFRAME Conference on Economic Policy Issues in the European Union, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Nielsen, S., Nielsen, B. B., & Estrin, S. (2016). Internationalization of Emerging Market Multinational Companies: The Role of Industry Internationalization and Home Country Urbanization. Paper presented at Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy Conference. ANZIBA 2016, Sydney, Australia.

Østrup, F., & Oxelheim, L. (2016). Short-Termism: Why Corporate Governance for Banks Is Different. Paper presented at World Finance and Banking Symposium, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Rusinova, V., & Wernicke, G. (2016). Access to Finance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment. Paper presented at The DRUID 20th Anniversary Conference 2016, København, Denmark.

Sigurjonsson, O., & Arnardottir, A. A. (2016). Board Directors' Selection Process Following a Gender Quota. Paper presented at The 8th Annual Workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network , Helsinki, Finland.

Zarzecka, O., & Villeseche, F. (2016). Senior Managers’ Network Tie Use: The Effect of Performance Below Aspiration and Elite Social Identity. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2016, Anaheim, United States.



Ohnemus, L. C. (2016). Landbruget er blevet en hedgefond. Børsen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Husk din intuition, erhvervsleder. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Stop flokdyrsadfærden i bestyrelser. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Nej tak til dybt unødvendigt kodeks. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Hedgefondene er på krigsstien. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Tænk over hvem I lukker ind, fonde. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Velgørende fonde lider rentedøden. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Stop den ensidige jagt efter fejl. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Trump vil skade os mere end brexit. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Slut med trylleri på markederne. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Investorer forventer for højt afkast. Boersen, 4.

Thomsen, S. (2016). Sig farvel til kontanter og nulrente. Boersen, 4.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2016). Vi bruger finanspolitikken for lidt. Børsen, 4.

Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2016). Byg nye veje når renten er negativ. Børsen, 4.



Andersen, L. B., Holm Pedersen, L., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2015). Ledelse, belønning og præstationer version 2.0? Samfundsøkonomen, (2), 5-10.

Bardon, T., Josserand, E., & Villeseche, F. (2015). Beyond Nostalgia: Identity Work in Corporate Alumni Networks. Human Relations, 68(4), 583-606.

Bardon, T., Josserand, E., & Villeseche, F. (2015). The Past Connect. The Smart Manager, (Jul-Aug), 63-65.

Battisti, G., Rabbiosi, L., & Colombo, M. G. (2015). Simultaneous Versus Sequential Complementarity in the Adoption of Technological and Organizational Innovations: The Case of Innovations in the Design Sphere. Industrial and Corporate Change, 24(2), 345-382. [dtv003].

Brenner, S. (2015). The Risk Preferences of U.S. Executives. Management Science, 61(6), 1344-1361.

Busta, I., & Hobdari, B. (2015). Board Effectiveness in the European Banking Industry. International Journal of Corporate Governance, 6(1), 25-41.

Rose, C., & Søpstad, N. (2015). Reactions to Corporate Insider’s Transactions: Do Legal Stock Market Disclosure Rules have an Impact? European Journal of Law and Economics, 40(2), 247-272.

Rose, C. (2015). Listed Firm's Level of Stakeholder Transparency: The Comply or Explain Evidence from the Danish Corporate Governance Code. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 10(2), 1-15.

Sherman, H. D., Rose, C., & Haraszuk, A. H. (2015). Effective Governance in the Era of Disruptive Changes in Business Illustrated by the Tata Capital Framework: The Vital Role of the Audit Commitee and Internal Audit . Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, 84(12), 58-67.

Sigurjonsson, T. O., Arnardottir, A. A., Vaiman, V., & Rikhardsson, P. (2015). Managers’ Views on Ethics Education in Business Schools: An Empirical Study. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(1), 1-13.

Strand, T. (2015). Nytt EU-Direktiv ska lösa oklara problem. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 17(2), 29-41.

Thomsen, S., Poulsen, T., & Børsting, C. D. (2015). Denmark Country Report: EUFORI Study. Publications Office of the European Union.


Book / Book Chapters


Conference papers

Arna Arnardóttir, A., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2015). Board Members’ Selection Process Post Gender Quota Legislation. Paper presented at Gender Diversity on Company Boards and in Leadership Positions, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Arnardottir, A. A., Sigurjonsson, O., & Terjesen, S. (2015). Women on Corporate Boards in Iceland: Opening up Governance through Gender Quota. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Arnardottir, A. A., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2015). Gender Equality and Diversity on Corporate Boards in Iceland: Added Focus on CSR. Paper presented at The 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2015, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Bardon, T., Arnaud, N., & Villeseche, F. (2015). Enhancing Buyer-Supplier Collaboration through Daily Conversations at Shopfloor Level. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Colombo, M. G., Moreira, S., & Rabbiosi, L. (2015). Acquired Inventors’ Productivity after Horizontal Acquisition: Managing the R&D Integration Process. Paper presented at The DRUID Society Conference 2015, Rome, Italy.

Faigen, B., Arnardottir, A. A., Sigurjonsson, O., & Mygind, N. (2015). Employee Ownership in an Icelandic Context: An Initial Empirical Exploration. Paper presented at 7th Annual Workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Hobdari, B., Sinani, E., & Török, P. (2015). What Matters in Location Strategies for Latin American Multinationals: Countries, Regions or Cities?. Abstract from Location Decisions of Multinational Enterprises, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lauring, J., & Villeseche, F. (2015). The Performance of Gender Diverse Teams: Assessing the Impact of Openness to Diversity and Degree of Gender Diversity. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Lauring, J., & Villeseche, F. (2015). Valuing Gender Diversity in Teams: The Importance of Attitudes and Degree of Gender Diversity. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Nielsen, B. B., Estrin, S., Meyer, K., & Nielsen, S. (2015). Do State-Owners Facilitate or Constrain Corporate Strategies of Internationalization? The Role of Institutions. In R. Mudambi, & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: Global Networks: Organizations and People (pp. 166). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 57

Vergne, J-P., Wernicke, G., & Brenner, S. (2015). Smoke Signal or Smoke Screen? Why the Media Do Not Disapprove Equally or Overpaid CEOs. Paper presented at The 15th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2015, Warsaw, Poland.

Villeseche, F., & Sinani, E. (2015). Understanding Board Gender Diversity Beyond Human Capital: The Case of Switzerland . Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, Vancouver, Canada.

Villeseche, F. (2015). Collective Endeavors to Address Institutional Contradiction between Gender Identity and Occupational Identity: A Case Study. Paper presented at The 31st EGOS Colloquium 2015, Athen, Greece.


Discussion/Working papers

Forssbæck, J., & Nielsen, C. Y. (2015). TARP and Market Discipline: Evidence on the Moral Hazard Effects of Bank Recapitalizations. SSRN: Social Science Research Network.

Nielsen, C. Y. (2015). Hidden in the Factors? The Effect of Credit Risk on the Cross-section of Equity Returns? Lunds Universitet. Working paper. Department of Economics, Lund University No. 2011:38



Busta, I., Sinani, E., & Thomsen, S. (2014). Ownership Concentration and Market Value of European Banks. Journal of Management & Governance, 18(1), 159-183.

Colombo, M. G., & Rabbiosi, L. (2014). Technological Similarity, Post-acquisition R&D Reorganization, and Innovation Performance in Horizontal Acquisition. Research Policy, 43(6), 1039–1054.

Eklund, J. E., & Poulsen, T. (2014). One Share–One Vote: Evidence from Europe. Applied Financial Economics, 24(7), 453-464.

Holm, C., Balling, M., & Poulsen, T. (2014). Corporate Governance Ratings as a Means to Reduce Asymmetric Information. Cogent Economics & Finance, 2(1), [919235].

Lysholt, K., Taflev, I., & Rose, C. (2014). Betydningen af selskabernes corporate governance struktur for CEO aflønningen i børsnoterede selskaber. Revision & Regnskabsvaesen, 83(10), 58-73.

Lysholt, K., Taflev, I., & Rose, C. (2014). Analyse af kontraktrummet for ledelsesaflønning i børsnoterede selskaber: Har man skabt en Pandoras æske? . Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift, 23(4), 331-345.

Mudambi, R., Piscitello, L., & Rabbiosi, L. (2014). Reverse Knowledge Transfer in MNEs: Subsidiary Innovativeness and Entry Modes. Long Range Planning, 47(1-2), 49-63.

Rose, C., & Haraszuk, A. (2014). Værdien af revisionsudvalg i bestyrelsen: Set fra et forskningsmæssigt perspektiv. Revision & Regnskabsvaesen, 83(2), 42-52.

Sigurjonsson, T. O., Vaiman, V., & Arnardottir, A. A. (2014). The Role of Business Schools in Ethics Education in Iceland: The Managers’ Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 122(1), 25-38.

Thomsen, S., & Vinten, F. (2014). Delistings and the Costs of Governance: Study of European Stock Exchanges 1996-2004. Journal of Management & Governance, 18(3), 793-833.

Thomsen, S. (2014). Comparative Corporate Governance of Non-Profit Organizations. European Company and Financial Law Review, 11(1), 15-30.

Yamak, S., Nielsen, S., & Escribá-Esteve, A. (2014). The Role of External Environment in Upper Echelons Theory: A Review of Existing Literature and Future Research Directions. Group & Organization Management, 39(1), 69-101.

Østrup, F. (2014). Den Europæiske Bankunion: Udformning og argumenter. Finans/Invest, (2), 23-30.

Østrup, F. (2014). Myndighedernes ansvar for finanskrisen. Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift23(4), 307-320.

Østrup, F. (2014). Den Europæiske Bankunion: En vurdering. Finans/Invest, (3), 5-12.


Book / Book Chapters

Gregoric, A., Poulsen, T., & Neville, M. (2014). Rapport til Erhvervsstyrelsen: Oktober 2013. Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen.

Poulsen, T., Gregoric, A., & Neville, M. (2014). Kontrol og ledelse i danske SMV'er: Med fokus på virksomhedskarakteristika og bestyrelsens sammensætning. Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen.

Bardon, T., Josserand, E., & Villeseche, F. (2014). Networks as Media for Nostalgia in an Organisational Context. In K. Niemeyer (Ed.), Media and Nostalgia: Yearning for the Past, Present and Future (pp. 105-117). Palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies

Neamtu, I., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2014). Sources and Impact of Rising Inequality in Denmark. In B. Nolan (Ed.), Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences (pp. 196-221). Oxford University Press.

Østrup, F. (2014). Medierne og krisen i pengeinstitutterne. In R. Buch, & M. Verner (Eds.), Krisen i økonomi og journalistik (pp. 141-157). Forlaget Ajour.


Conference papers

Rabbiosi, L., & Santangelo, G. D. (2014). When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do: Subsidiary Autonomy as a Response to Corruption Distance . In L. Toombs (Ed.), Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (pp. 938-943). Academy of Management. Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2014

Rose, C. (2014). Concentrated Ownership. In J. Backhaus (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics Springer Science+Business Media.

Chen, V. Z., Hobdari, B., Sun, P., & Goodstein, J. (2014). Institutional Evolution and Corporate Boards. In K. Meyer, & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: Local Contexts in Global Business (pp. 237). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 56

Nielsen, B. B., Estrin, S., & Nielsen, S. (2014). Emerging Market Multinational Companies and Internationalization: A Multilevel Study of the Influence of Home Country and Industry Conditions. In K. Meyer, & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: Local Contexts in Global Business (pp. 204). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 56

Santangelo, G. D., & Rabbiosi, L. (2014). When in Rome, do as the Romans do: Subsidiary Autonomy as a Response to Corruption Distance after Entry. In K. Meyer, & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business: Local Contexts in Global Business (pp. 47). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 2014

Villeseche, F. (2014). Feminist Discource(s) in Organizations: Identifying and Assessing Multiplicity. In D. Kerfoot, & I. Sabelis (Eds.), Book of Abstracts 1-376: Gender, Work and Organization 2014. 8th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference (pp. 118). Wiley.

Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Arnardottir, A. (2014). Demand from Industry for Better Ethical Training and the Initial Steps of a University Answering to that Call: Baseline Measures and Structuring of Interventions. Abstract from The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, United States.

Bryant, M., Sigurjonsson, O., & Mixa, M. W. (2014). Restoring Trust in Public Institutions and the Financial System: The Case of Iceland 2008 to 2012. Paper presented at 2014 International Conference of Critical Accounting (ICCA), New York, United States.

Candi, M., Saemundsson, R., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2014). Aspiration Levels and R&D Search in Young Technology-Based Firms. Paper presented at Strategic Management Society 34th Annual International Conference. SMS 2014, Madrid, Spain.

Ladegaard Bro, L., Andersen, L. B., Bøllingtoft, A., Eriksen, T., Holten, A-L., Jacobsen, C. B., Jensen, U. T., Ladenburg, J., Aaes Nielsen, P., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2014). Leadership Training, Leadership Strategies and Organizational Performance: Designing an Experiment to Test the Causal Effect of Leadership on Performance. Paper presented at The 18th Annual Conference of International Research Society for Public Management. IRSPM 2014, Ottawa, Canada.

McKenna, B., Sigurjonsson, O., Arnardottir, A., Biloslavo, R., Bulut, C., Bagnoli, C., Ray, S., Rooney, D., Zacher, H., Küpers, W., Dibben, M., Macklin, R., & Gosling, J. (2014). The Relationship between Concern for Environmental Sustainability and the Capacity for Wisdom and Other Factors among Postgraduate Business Students: An International Comparison. Paper presented at The 17th Irish Academy of Management Conference, Limerick, Ireland.

Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Arnardottir, A. A. (2014). Environmental Uncertainty, Performance Measure Variety and Perceived Performance in Icelandic Companies. Paper presented at 12th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Villeseche, F. (2014). Discourses on Gender Diversity on Corporate Websites: A Systemic Functional Linguistics Analysis. Paper presented at The Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, United States.


Discussion/Working papers

Børsting, C., Kuhn, J., Poulsen, T., & Thomsen, S. (2014). The Governance of Industrial Foundations: Executive and Director Turnover. Center for Corporate Governance. Department of International Economics and Management. Copenhagen Business School.

Thomsen, S. (2014). Nordic Corporate Governance and Industrial Foundations. Center for Corporate Governance. Department of International Economics and Management. Copenhagen Business School.



Bingley, P., Cappellari, L., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2013). Unemployment Insurance: Wage Dynamics and Inequality Over the Life Cycle. Economic Journal, 123(568), 341-372.

Birkmose, H. S., & Strand, T. (2013). Nomineringskomiteer: Vejen til aktivt ejerskab i Danmark? Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 15(4), 73-90.

Frederiksen, A., Rikke Ibsen, R., Rosholm, M., & Westergård-Nielsen, N. (2013). Labour Market Signalling and Unemployment Duration: An Empirical Analysis Using Employer–employee Data. Economics Letters, 118(1), 84–86.

Nielsen, B. B., & Nielsen, S. (2013). Top Management Team Nationality Diversity and Firm Performance: A Multilevel Study. Strategic Management Journal, 34(3), 373-382.

Oxelheim, L., Gregoric, A., Randøy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2013). On the Internationalization of Corporate Boards: The Case of Nordic Firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 44(3), 173-194.

Poulsen, T. (2013). Corporate Control and Underinvestment. Journal of Management & Governance, 17(1), 131-155.

Rabbiosi, L., & Santangelo, G. D. (2013). Parent Company Benefits from Reverse Knowledge Transfer: The Role of the Liability of Newness in MNEs. Journal of World Business, 48(1), 160-170.

Rose, C., Munch-Madsen, P., & Funch, S. M. (2013). Mangfoldighed i bestyrelsen: Betydningen af nationalitet og køn i de største nordiske og tyske virksomhed. Revision & Regnskabsvaesen, 82(1), 66-72.

Rose, C. (2013). Danske børsnoterede selskabers efterlevelse af corporate governance anbefalingerne. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 15(1-2), 49-75.

Rose, C., & Søpstad, N. (2013). Performanceeffekten af virksomheders efterlevelse af corporate governance anbefalingerne - med eksempler på kommunikation af selskabernes efterlevelse. Revision & Regnskabsvaesen, 82(12), 25-35.

Rose, C., Munch-Madsen, P., & Funch, M. (2013). Does Board Diversity Really Matter? Gender Does Not, but Citizenship Does. International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, 8(1), 15-27.

Rose, C. (2013). Konsekvenserne af de danske pengeinstitutters corporate governance struktur i tiden op til finanskrisen. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 15(4), 91-115.

Yamak, S., Nielsen, S., Minichilli, A., & Escriba-Esteve, A. (2013). Preface: Contextualising Upper Echelons Research: the Interactions of Top Management Teams and CEOs. European Journal of International Management, 7(1), 1-5.


Østrup, F. (2013). Konsekvenser af ejerstrukturen i danske pengeinstitutter. Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift, (3), 237-252.

Østrup, F. (2013). Landbrugets økonomiske problemer. Finans/Invest, (7), 4-13.

Østrup, F. (2013). Copenhague: En être sans en être? Outre - Terre2(32), 131-139.


Book / Book Chapters

Bertoni, F., Elia, S., & Rabbiosi, L. (2013). Outward FDI from the BRICS: Trends and Patterns of Acquisitions in Advanced Countries. In M. A. Marinov, & S. T. Marinova (Eds.), Emerging Economies and Firms in the Global Crisis (pp. 47-82). Palgrave Macmillan.

Birkmose, H. S., & Strand, T. (2013). Institutional Investors: Active Ownership Through Nomination Committees. In S. Young, & S. Gates (Eds.), Institutional Investors' Power to Change Corporate Behavior: International Perspectives (pp. 201-224). Emerald Group Publishing. Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability Vol. 5

Gammelgaard, J., & Hobdari, B. (2013). Subsidiary Strategic Responsibilities and Autonomy in Carlsberg. In J. Gammelgaard, & C. Dörrenbächer (Eds.), The Global Brewery Industry: Markets, Strategies, and Rivalries (pp. 199-222). Edward Elgar Publishing. New horizons in international business

G. Colombo, M., Delmastro, M., & Rabbiosi, L. (2013). Organizational Design and Firm Performance. In C. R. Thomas, & W. F. Shughart II (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Managerial Economics (pp. 373-399). Oxford University Press.

Meyer, F. L., & Thomsen, S. (2013). Aktivt ejerskab i erhvervsfonde. In M. Neville, & K. Engsig Sørensen (Eds.), Selskaber: Aktuelle emner (pp. 151-168). Djøf Forlag.

Mixa, M. W., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2013). Lessons Not Learned: Iceland's Financial Crisis Compared to the Nordic Countries. In C. A. Hawthorne (Ed.), Financial Crises: Identification, Forecasting and Effects on Transition Economies (pp. 129-146). Nova Science Publishers. Global Economic Studies Global Recession - Causes, Impacts and Remedies

Østrup, F. (2013). Den danske krisehåndtering: Det økonomiske perspektiv. In L. Lynge Andersen (Ed.), Håndtering af finansielle kriser: Udvalgte emner (pp. 140-159). Karnov Group. Kredit- og kapitalmarkedsretsserien No. 15

Rose, C. (2013). Financial Regulation and Risk Governance. In M. Pinedo, & I. Walter (Eds.), Global Asset Management: Strategies, Risks, Processes and Technologies (pp. 274-287). Palgrave Macmillan.

Rose, C. (2013). Nye lovinitiativer for flere kvinder i ledelsen. In M. Neville, & K. Engsig Sørensen (Eds.), Selskaber: Aktuelle emner (pp. 287-301). Djøf Forlag.

Thomsen, S. (2013). Corporate Governance and the Financial Crisis. In M. Pinedo, & I. Walter (Eds.), Global Asset Management: Strategies, Risks, Processes and Technologies (pp. 235-246). Palgrave Macmillan.


Conference papers

Hobdari, B., & Wernicke, G. (2013). Environmental, Social and Governance Performance, and Corporate Governance. In R. Strand (Ed.), Proceedings for the Sustainability in a Scandinavian Context Conference: 10-11 June 2013 Copenhagen Business School (pp. 146-148). Nordic Centre for Sustainability.

Minbaeva, D., Rabbiosi, L., & Stahl, G. K. (2013). The Role of Parent-Country Nationals in Reducing the Adverse Effect of Perceived Value Inconsistency on the Commitment of Foreign Subsidiary Employees. In P. McDougall-Covin, & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (pp. 39). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 55

Minbaeva, D., Hotho, J., Muratbekova-Touron, M., & Rabbiosi, L. (2013). Handling Pressures of Community Logic: The Impact of Clan Ties on Recruitment and Selection in Kazakhstan. In P. McDougall-Covin, & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (pp. 280). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 55

Nielsen, B. B., & Nielsen, S. (2013). Modeling Complex Nesting Structures in International Business Research: An Illustration of Cross-Nested Multilevel Analysis of the Multinationality-Performance Relationship. In P. McDougall-Covin, & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (pp. 254). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 55

Arnardottir, A. A., Hreinsson, S., & Sigurjonsson, O. (2013). Work and Family Balance Among Icelandic Employees with Young Children. Paper presented at The 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2013, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Escribá-Esteve, A., Nielsen, S., & Yamak, S. (2013). External Environment and Upper Echelons Theory: The Missing Link. Paper presented at The 13th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

Rabbiosi, L., & Santangelo, G. D. (2013). When in Rome, do as the Romans do: Dealing with Corruption after Entry. Paper presented at The 35th DRUID Celebration Conference 2013: Innovation, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Barcelona, Spain.

Rikhardsson, P., Sigurjonsson, O., & Arnardottir, A. A. (2013). Strategy Archetypes Adopted by Icelandic Companies, Their Fit with Performance Measures and Effects on Financial Performance. Paper presented at The 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2013, Reykjavík, Iceland.

Sigurjonsson, O., Arnardottir, A. A., Rikhardsson, P., & Vaiman, V. (2013). Managers’ Perception of the Role of Business Schools in Ethics Education. Paper presented at The 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference. 2013, Reykjavík, Iceland.


Discussion/Working papers

Gregoric, A., Oxelheim, L., Randøy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2013). Changing the Corporate Elite? Not So Easy: Female Directors’ Appointments onto Corporate Boards. (pp. 33). Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN). Research Institute of Industrial Economics. Working Papers No. 978

Hansmann, H., & Thomsen, S. (2013). Managerial Distance and Virtual Ownership: The Governance of Industrial Foundations. SSRN: Social Science Research Network. ECGI Working Paper in Finance No. 372Yale Law and Economics Research Paper No. 467

Oxelheim, L., Gregoric, A., & Randøy, T. (2013). On the Internationalization of Corporate Boards. Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN). Research Institute of Industrial Economics. Working Papers No. 951

Thomsen, S. (2013). Industrial Foundations in the Danish Economy. Center for Corporate Governance. Department of International Economics and Management. Copenhagen Business School.

Østrup, F. (2013, Mar 15). EU-Asia and the Re-Polarization of the Global Economic Arena / by Lars Oxelheim (ed.). World Scientific (2012).

Hvass, K. A., Hobdari, B., & Balle, T. (2013). Getting up in the Air: Establising a Carbon Offsetting Programme at a Hybrid Airline. Case Centre.



Escribá-Esteve, A., Minichilli, A., Nielsen, S., & Yamak, S. (2012). Guest Editor's Introduction: Top Management Teams and Business Strategy: Responses and Adaptability in Turbulent Times. International Studies of Management and Organization42(4), 3-7.

Chen, V. Z., & Hobdari, B. (2012). Sauvant, K.P., McAllister, G., & Maschek, W.A. (Eds.): Foreign Direct Investments from Emerging Markets: The Challenges Ahead. 2010, New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 492 sider. European Management Journal30(3), 290–291.

Gammeltoft, P., Filatotchev, I., & Hobdari, B. (2012). Emerging Multinational Companies and Strategic Fit: A Contingency Framework and Future Research Agenda. European Management Journal, 30(3), 175–188.

Gregoric, A., Zajc, K., & Simoneti, M. (2012). Agents’ Response to Inefficient Judiciary: Social Norms and the Law in Transition. European Journal of Law and Economics, 34(1), 147-172.

Mahnke, V., Ambos, B., Nell, P. C., & Hobdari, B. (2012). How do Regional Headquarters Influence Corporate Decisions in Networked MNCs? Journal of International Management, 18(3), 293-301.

Minbaeva, D., Mäkelä, K., & Rabbiosi, L. (2012). Linking HRM and Knowledge Transfer via Individual-level Mechanisms. Human Resource Management, 51(3), 387-405.

Minichilli, A., Zattoni, A., Nielsen, S., & Huse, M. (2012). Board Task Performance: An Exploration of Micro- and Macro-level Determinants of Board Effectiveness. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(2), 193-215.

Oladottir, A. D., Hobdari, B., Papanastassiou, M., Pearce, R., & Sinani, E. (2012). Strategic Complexity and Global Expansion: An Empirical Study of Newcomer Multinational Corporations from Small Economies. Journal of World Business, 47(4), 686-695.

Poulsen, T. (2012). Disentangling Disproportionality. Economics Letters, 117(3), 743-745.

Rabbiosi, L., Elia, S., & Bertoni, F. (2012). Acquisitions by EMNCs in Developed Markets: An Organisational Learning Perspective. M I R: Management International Review, 52(2), 193-212.

Rose, C. (2012). The New European Shareholder Rights Directive: Removing Barriers and Creating Opportunities for More Shareholder Activism and Democracy . Journal of Management & Governance, 16(2), 269-284.

Rose, C., Hougaard, T. W., & Münter, A. L. (2012). Performanceeffekten af flere kvinder i danske virksomheders bestyrelser: Et bidrag til kvotedebatten. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 14(1), 108-137.

Rose, C., & Seest, C. (2012). Performanceeffekter af overtagelseværn blandt de største børsnoterede selskaber i Europa. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 14(2), 70-86.

Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Arnardottir, A. A. (2012). Privatization in a Nordic Country: The Case of Iceland. Organizacja i Zarządzanie. Kwartalnik Naukowy [Organization and Management. Scientific Quarterly], 5(1 (17)), 135-154.


Book / Book Chapters

Clarke, T., Nielsen, B. B., Nielsen, S., Klettner, A., & Boersma, M. (2012). Australian Census of Women in Leadership. Commonwealth of Australia.

Edling, C., Hobdari, B., Randoy, T., Stafsudd, A., & Thomsen, S. (2012). Testing the "Old Boys" Network: Diversity and Board Interlocks in Scandinavia. In B. M. Kogut (Ed.), The Small Worlds of Corporate Governance (pp. 183-202). MIT Press.

Hobdari, B., Sinani, E., Papanastassiou, M., & Pearce, R. (2012). The Overseas Expansion of Chinese Multinational Corporations. In R. Pearce (Ed.), China and the Multinationals : International Business and the Entry of China into the Global Economy (pp. 187-196). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Nielsen, S. (2012). Diversity among Senior Executives and Board Directors. In T. Clarke, & D. Branson (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance (pp. 345-362). SAGE Publications.

Nielsen, S., & Huse, M. (2012). How do Women Directors Make a Difference to the Work of Corporate Boards: Evidence from Norway. In R. Nielsen, & C. D. Tvarnø (Eds.), Scandinavian Women's Law in the 21st Century (pp. 251-263). Djøf Forlag.

Østrup, F. (2012). The Future of EU Policy Coordination: Dealing with the Financial Crisis. In E. Latoszek, I. E. Kotowska, A. Z. Nowak, & A. Stᶒpniak (Eds.), European Integration Process in the New Regional and Global Settings (pp. 91-107). WWZ Publisher.

Østrup, F. (2012). Husholdningernes gæld: Argumenter og udfordringer. In H. Juul, F. Meding, & P. Schaumbug-Müller (Eds.), Vennebog til Lennart Lynge Andersen (pp. 331-342). Karnov Group.

Poulsen, T., & Thomsen, S. (2012). The Limits of Private Equity: Evidence from Denmark. In D. Cumming (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity (pp. 327-343). Oxford University Press.

Poulsen, T., & Strand, T. (2012). The Owners and the Power: An Insight into Shareholder Actions. In H. S. Birkmose, M. Neville, & K. Ensig Sørensen (Eds.), The European Financial Market in Transition (pp. 133-145). Wolters Kluwer . European Company Law Series Vol. 9

Sigurjonsson, T. O., Arna Arnardóttir, A., & Vaiman, V. (2012). Business Ethics Following a Financial Crisis. In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch, & W. Amann (Eds.), Business Integrity in Practice: Insights from International Case Studies (pp. 193-204). Business Expert Press.

Strand, T. (2012). The Owners and the Power: Insights from Annual General Meetings. Copenhagen Business School [Phd]. PhD series No. 25.2012

Thomsen, S. (2012). Virksomhedernes organisering og Det Gode Samfund. In P. Andersen, I. Henriksen, J. Henrik Petersen, & H. Zobbe (Eds.), Hvordan ser verden ud?: 73 bidrag om økonomi, institutioner og værdier (pp. 406-411). Djøf Forlag.

Thomsen, S., & Conyon, M. (2012). Corporate Governance: Mechanisms and Systems. McGraw-Hill.


Conference papers

Rabbiosi, L., & Stucchi, T. (2012). Not for All: What Explains Cross-Border Acquisitions from Emerging Market Firms. In S. Feinberg, & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 54rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (pp. 184). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 54

Gregoric, A., Rapp, M. S., Sinani, E., & Wolff, M. (2012). Sharing Voice with Employees: A Cross-Country Study of Codetermination . Poster session presented at Allied Social Science Associations Meeting. ASSA 2012, Chicago IL, United States.

Rabbiosi, L., & Stucchi, T. (2012). The Magic of Diasporas: The Role of Overseas National Ownership in Outward FDI of Emerging Market Firms. Paper presented at The 3rd Copenhagen Conference on Emerging Multinationals, Frederiksberg, Denmark.


Discussion/Working papers

Birkmose, H. S., & Strand, T. (2012). Institutional Investors: The Way to Active Ownership . SSRN: Social Science Research Network. Nordic and European Company Law Working Paper No. 10-30




Ahrens, T., Filatotchev, I., & Thomsen, S. (2011). The Research Frontier in Corporate Governance. Journal of Management & Governance, 15(3), 311-325.

Brenner, S. (2011). On the Irrelevance of Insider Trading for Managerial Compensation. European Economic Review, 55(2), 293-303.

Brenner, S. (2011). Self-Disclosure at International Cartels. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(2), 221-234.

Gregoric, A., Masten, A. B., & Zajc, K. (2011). From Social to Private Ownership: Multiple Blockholders in Slovenian Unlisted Firms. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 47(5), 27-51.

Hobdari, B., Gregoric, A., & Sinani, E. (2011). The Role of Firm Ownership on Internationalization: Evidence from two Transition Economies. Journal of Management & Governance, 15(3), 393-413.

Nielsen, B. B., & Nielsen, S. (2011). The Role of Top Management Team International Orientation in International Strategic Decision-Making: The Choice of Foreign Entry Mode. Journal of World Business, 46(2), 185-193.

Østrup, F. (2011). Problemer i dansk realkredit. Finans/Invest, (1), 4-11.

Poulsen, T. (2011). Private Benefits in Corporate Control Transactions. International Review of Financial Analysis, 20(1), 52-58.

Rabbiosi, L. (2011). Subsidiary Roles and Reverse Knowledge Transfer: An Investigation of the Effects of Coordination Mechanisms. Journal of International Management, 17(2), 97-113.

Rabbiosi, L., & Reichstein, T. (2011). Organizing for External Knowledge Sourcing. European Management Review, 8(3), 111-116.

Rose, C. (2011). Director's Liability and Investor Protection: A Law and Finance Perspective . European Journal of Law and Economics, 31(3), 287-305.

Rose, C., & Seest, C. (2011). Skaber god corporate governance økonomisk værdi for aktionærerne? Revision og Regnskabsvaesen, 80(9), 62-70.

Rose, C., & Skiffard, J. (2011). Performanceeffekten af stemme- og ejerlofter i de danske pengeinstitutter. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, 13(2), 26-43.

Rose, C. (2011). Hvad gik der galt for de danske banker: Analyse af de børsnoterede bankers økonomi op til finanskrisen. Revision og Regnskabsvaesen, 80(12), 43-56.

Rose, C. (2011). Fokus på ledelsesansvaret i krisetider. INSPI : Tidssskrift for revision, økonomi og ledelse, 41(12), 20-29.

Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Mixa, M. W. (2011). Learning from the 'Worst Behaved': Iceland's Financial Crisis and the Nordic Comparison. Thunderbird International Business Review, 53(2), 209-223.

Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Arnardóttir, A. A. (2011). Rekstur einkavæddra fyrirtækja á Íslandi [The Operation of Icelandic Privatized Firms]. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál [Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics], 8(1), 13-29.

Sigurjonsson, T. O., Schwartzkopf, D., & Arnardóttir, A. A. (2011). Viðbrögð tengslanets við gagnrýni á fjármálastöðugleika Íslands [Criticism on Financial Stability in Iceland and the Reaction of Defensive Networks]. Stjórnmál & Stjórnsýsla. The Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration (IRPA), 7(1), 161-184.

Strand, T., & Nordén, L. (2011). Shareholder Activism Among Portfolio Managers: Rational Decisions or 15 Minutes of Fame? Journal of Management & Governance, 15(3), 375-391.

Vaiman, V., Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Davídsson, P. Á. (2011). Weak Business Culture as an Antecedent of Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland. Journal of Business Ethics, 98(2), 259-272.


Book / Book Chapters

Cassiman, B., Colombo, M. G., & Rabbiosi, L. (2011). M & A and Innovation: The Role of Relatedness between Target and Acquirer. In H. Tschirky, C. Herstatt, D. Probert, H-G. Gemuenden, M. G. Colombo, T. Durand, P. C. D. Weerd-Nederhof, & T. Schweisfurth (Eds.), Managing Innovation Driven Companies: Approaches in Practice (pp. 56-67). Palgrave Macmillan.

Oxelheim, L., Wihlborg, C., & Østrup, F. (2011). The Origins and Resolution of Financial Crises: A Policy Dilemma. In R. W. Kolb (Ed.), Financial Contagion: The Viral Threat to the Wealth of Nations (pp. 57-65). Wiley.


Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2011). Governance Failure and Iceland’s Financial Collapse. Samfundslitteratur. PhD series No. 19.2011

Thomsen, S. (2011). Regulation Complexity and the Costs of Governance. In A. Brink (Ed.), Corporate Governance and Business Ethics (1. ed., pp. 31-47). Springer Science+Business Media. Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy No. 39

Vaiman, V., & Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2011). Rethinking Ethics Education in Business Schools in the Post-Financial Crisis Epoch: An Icelandic Perspective. In C. Wankel , & A. Stachowicz-Stanusch (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teaching Ethics in Business and Management Education (pp. 342-356). Information Science Reference.

Østrup, F. (2011). Krav til lånevilkår i realkreditten. In L. Lynge Andersen (Ed.), 8 perspektiver på realkredit (pp. 135-155). Karnov Group. Kredit- og kapitalmarkedsretsserien No. 14

Østrup, F. (2011). The Handling of Crisis in Funded Pension Schemes: The Experience of Denmark and Some New Proposals. In Y. Stevens (Ed.), Protecting Pension Rights in Times of Economic Turmoil (pp. 153-167). Intersentia. Social Europe Series Vol. 26


Conference papers

Ambos, B., Mahnke, V., & Hobdari, B. (2011). How Do Regional Headquarters Influence Corporate Decisions in Networked MNCs?. Abstract from Strategic Management Society 31st Annual International Conference. SMS 2011, Miami, United States.

Brenner, S. (2011). Location (Hotelling) Games and Applications. In J. J. Cochran, L. A. Cox Jr., P. Keskinocak, J. P. Kharoufeh, & J. C. Smith (Eds.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science Wiley.

Rabbiosi, L., & Santangelo, G. D. (2011). Parent Company Benefits from Reverse Knowledge Transfer: The Role of the Liability of Newness in MNEs. Paper presented at The DRUID Society Conference 2011, Frederiksberg, Denmark.

Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2011). The Effect of Defensive Social Networks on Policy Discourse. Paper presented at The 3rd Workshop of the Nordic Corporate Governance Network 2011, Espoo/Helsinki, Finland.

Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2011). The Role of Business Schools in Ethics Education: Evidence from Iceland. Paper presented at The 18th Annual International Conference Promoting Business Ethics, New York, United States.

Thomsen, S., Gregoric, A., Randøy, T., & Oxelheim, L. (2011). From Global Firms to Global Boards? In S. Makingo , & T. Kiyak (Eds.), Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (pp. 201). Academy of International Business. Academy of International Business. Annual Meeting. Proceedings Vol. 53

Østrup, F. (2011). The Optimal Pension System: Is Denmark Best? In D. M. Muir, & J. A. Turner (Eds.), Imagining the Ideal Pension System: International Perspectives (pp. 113-130). W.E: Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.


Discussion/Working papers

Thomsen, S. (2011). Trust Ownership of the Tata Group. SSRN: Social Science Research Network.



Rose, C. (2011). Afgift på aktiehandel er gift for opsparingen. Boersen, 5.

Rose, C. (2011). Dobbelt standard for løn. Boersen, (1. sektion), 2.

Rose, C. (2011). Grænser for ansvar. Berlingske Tidende, 2, Business.

Rose, C. (2011). Oplæg til at diskriminere mænd. Berlingske Tidende, 2.

Rose, C. (2011). Når tro viger fra viden. Berlingske Tidende, 2.

Thomsen, S. (2011). Myterne om de danske fonde. Boersen, (Sektion 1), 4.

Thomsen, S. (2011). Et tilfælde af skadelig kønskvotering. Boersen, 4.

Østrup, F. (2011). Genganger. Finanskrisen er ikke slut endnu: Debat. Politiken, 8.

Østrup, F., & Oxelheim, L. (2011). Indsats mod protektionisme. Boersen, (Sektion 1), 2.



Brenner, S. (2010). Passive Shareholders and Active Managers: An Empirical Test of Admati and Pfleider's Hypothesis. Applied Financial Economics, 20(4), 275-291.

Colombo, M. G., Rabbiosi, L., & Reichstein, T. (2010). Special Issue on Designing Internal Organization for External Knowledge Sourcing. European Management Review, 7(1), 74-76 .

Gregoric, A., Polanec, S., & Slapnicar, S. (2010). Pay me Right: Reference Values and Executive Compensation. European Financial Management, 16(5), 778-804.

Hobdari, B., Mygind, N., & Jones, D. C. (2010). Corporate Governance and Liquidity Constraints: A Dynamic Analysis. Comparative Economic Studies, 52(1), 82-103.

Hobdari, B., Sinani, E., Papanastassiou, M., & Pearce, R. (2010). The Determinants of Global Integration Strategies of Chinese Multinationals: Some Empirical Evidence. Review of Market Integration, 2(1), 61-86.

Nielsen, S. (2010). Top Management Team Diversity: A Review of Theories and Methodologies. International Journal of Management Reviews, 12(3), 301-316.

Nielsen, S. (2010). Top Management Team Internationalization and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Foreign Market Entry. M I R: Management International Review, 50(2), 185-206.

Nielsen, S., & Huse, M. (2010). Women Directors' Contribution to Board Decision-Making and Strategic Involvement: The Role of Equality Perception. European Management Review, 7(1), 16-29.

Nielsen, S., & Nielsen, B. B. (2010). Why do Firms Employ Foreigners on Their Top Management Team? An Exploration of Strategic Fit, Human Capital an Attraction-Selection-Attrition Perspectives. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 10(2), 195-209.

Nielsen, S., & Huse, M. (2010). The Contribution of Women on Boards of Directors: Going beyond the Surface. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18(2), 136-148.

Østrup, F. (2010). De gjorde Danmark større. Historisk Tidsskrift, 109(1), 513-546.

Poulsen, T., Strand, T., & Thomsen, S. (2010). Voting Power and Shareholder Activism: A Study of Swedish Shareholder Meetings. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18(4), 329-343.

Poulsen, T., & Lund-Nielsen, B. (2010). Kapitalfondsejede selskaber klarer tilsyneladende lavkonjunkturen bedre. Finans/Invest, (7), 11-17.

Rose, C. (2010). Kritikken af pengeinstitutternes ejer og stemmelofter hviler på et alt for spinkelt grundlag. Finans - Invest, (3), 16-18.

Rose, C. (2010). The Transfer of Property Rights by Theft: An Economic Analysis . European Journal of Law and Economics, 30(3), 247-266.

Rose, C., & Dolata, K. (2010). Corporate Governance: I danske børsnoterede selskaber. Revision og Regnskabsvaesen, 79(12), 46-57.

Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2010). The Icelandic Bank Collapse: Challenges to Governance and Risk Management. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 10(1), 33-45.

Sigurjonsson, T. O., & Mixa, M. W. (2010). Áfram á rauðu ljósi [Against a Red Light]: Fjármálahrunið á Íslandi og reynsla Norðurlandanna Íslandi [The Financial Crisis in Iceland and the Nordic Countries’ Experience]. Tímarit um viðskipti og efnahagsmál [Icelandic Journal of Business and Economics], 7(1), 21-40.

Sinani, E., & Hobdari, B. (2010). Export Market Participation with Sunk Costs and Firm Heterogeneity. Applied Economics, 42(25), 3195 - 3207 .


Book / Book Chapters

Nielsen, B. B., & Nielsen, S. (2010). A Multilevel Approach to Understanding the Multinationality: Performance Relationship. In T. Devinney, T. Nielsen, & L. Tihanyi (Eds.), The Past, Present and Future of International Business & Management (pp. 527-557). Emerald Group Publishing.

Nielsen, S. B., Thomsen, S., Bennedsen, M., & Meisner Nielsen, K. (2010). Private Equity in Denmark: Capital Structure and Taxes. In D. Cumming (Ed.), Private Equity: Fund Types, Risks, Returns and Regulation (pp. 555-578). Wiley.

Nordén, L., & Strand, T. (2010). Shareholder Activism among Portfolio Managers: Rational Decisions or 15 Minutes of Fame? In J. O. Soares, J. Pina, & M. Catalão-Lopes (Eds.), New Developments in Financial Modelling Cambridge Scholars Press.

Ohnemus, L. (2010). Brand Thrust: Strategic Branding and Shareholder Value: An Empirical Reconciliation of Two Critical Concepts. Copenhagen Business School [Phd]. PhD series No. 12.2010

Poulsen, T., Thomsen, S., & Bennedsen, M. (2010). Nogle centrale bidrag til den akademiske litteratur om bestyrelser i nye og mindre vækstvirksomheder. Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen.

Rose, C. (2010). Compendium in business and global governance: BSc. International Business and Politics, 6th semester. Spring 2010 . SL books.

Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2010). Revising a Concept of Corruption as a Result of the Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Iceland . In A. Stachowicz-Stanusch (Ed.), Organizational Immunity to Corruption : Building Theoretical and Research Foundations (pp. 363-372). Information Age Publishing.

Sigurjonsson, T. O. (2010). Privatisation and Deregulation: A Chronology of Events. In R. Z. Aliber, & G. Zoega (Eds.), Preludes to the Icelandic Financial Crisis (pp. 26-40). Palgrave Macmillan.

Thomsen, S. (2010). Virksomhetsstyring og bedrifters ansvar. In M. Morsing, & A. Kakabadse (Eds.), Bedrifters samfunnsansvar: Hvordan forene ønsker og praksis (Norsk ed., pp. 59-75). TAPIR Akademisk Forlag.

Østrup, F. (2010). Det finansielle system. Karnov Group.

Østrup, F. (2010). The Danish Bank Crisis in a Transnational Perspective. In N. Hvidt, & H. Mouritzen (Eds.), Danish Foreign Policy Yearbook 2010 (pp. 75-112). Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder.

Østrup, F. (2010). A Nation of Risk Lovers: Personal Provision of Retirement Income in Denmark. In J. Stewart, & G. Hughes (Eds.), Personal Provision of Retirement Income: Meeting the Needs of Older People? (pp. 95-110). Edward Elgar Publishing.


Conference papers

Strand, T., Poulsen, T., & Thomsen, S. (2010). Voting Power and Shareholder Activism. In Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Dare to Care: Passion and Compassion in Management Practice and Research (pp. 1-6). [54500670] Academy of Management. Academy of Management Proceedings

Østrup, F. (2010). Finanskrisen: Årsager og hjælpepakker. In K. Weise, & M. Munkøe (Eds.), I orkanens øje: Erfaringer fra og løsninger på den globale finanskrise Tænketanken Cevea.

Poulsen, T., & Eklund, J. E. (2010). One Share-One Vote: New Empirical Evidence. Paper presented at The 10th European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) 2010, Rome, Italy.


Discussion/Working papers

Gregoric, A., Masten, A. B., & Zajc, K. (2010). From Social to Private Ownership: Multiple Blockholders in Slovenian Unlisted Firms. Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School.

Gregoric, A., Oxelheim, L., Randøy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2010). How Diverse Can You Get? Gender Quotas and the Diversity of Nordic Boards. Lund Institute of Economic Research.

Minbaeva, D., Mäkelä, K., & Rabbiosi, L. (2010). Explaining Intra-organizational Knowledge Transfer at the Individual Level. Center for Strategic Management and Globalization. SMG Working Paper No. 1/2010

Oxelheim, L., Gregoric, A., Randøy, T., & Thomsen, S. (2010). Internationalilzation of the Firm and its Board. Lund Institute of Economic Research. Working Paper / Lund Institute of Economic Research No. 2009-6


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