Vishv Priya Kohli presented on counterfeit pharmaceuticals in the supply chain at VITSOL conference

Associate Professor Vishv Priya Kohli presented her research at the International Conference on Intellectual Property, Supply Chain and Global Commerce on 13th October 2022.
The conference was hosted at VIT School of Law, Vellore Institute of Technology, India, and jointly organized by VIT School of Law, India; University of the Pacific - McGeorge School of Law, USA; Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Austria; and CBS LAW, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
Leading international scholars and legal practitioners presented their research on topics ranging from ‘healthcare and supply chain’ to ‘IP and modern supply chain technologies’ and to ‘supply chain and global governance’. Priya presented her research on ‘counterfeit pharmaceuticals in the supply chain’ with a specific focus on recent cases of counterfeit medicines detected in the supply chain.
The page was last edited by: CBS LAW // 10/14/2022