Kathrine Søs Jacobsen Cesko succesfully defended her PhD on 26 August

We would like to congratulate Kathrine Søs Jacobsen Cesko, who successfully defended her PhD dissertation ‘Collaboration Between Economic Operators in the Competition for Public Contracts: A Legal and Economic Analysis of Grey Zones between EU Public Procurement Law and EU Competition Law' on 26 August.
The dissertation concerns the intersection between EU competition law and EU public procurement law when economic operators collaborate to meet the requirements of public contracts. Specifically, Kathrine focuses on particular forms of collaboration between economic operators and how these are evaluated under both legal regimes. Moreover, she brings forth a novel perspective by focusing on which forms that are illegal under competition law and which collaborative forms that are possible within public procurement within a competition framework.
The dissertation was supervised by Professor Christina D. Tvarnø and Associate Professor Pedro Telles.
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