Seminar: Top Ten Legal Mistakes Made by Entrepreneurs

In this session, Constance E. Bagley, senior research fellow and former professor of law and management at the business schools at Stanford, Harvard, and Yale, will engage in an interactive discussion of entrepreneurs' top ten legal mistakes. She is the author of The Entrepreneur's Guide to Law and Strategy, one of Business Insider's 25 "must-read" books for entrepreneurs. Although the language of the law can be intimidating, her work is designed to make entrepreneurs legally astute so they can handle with confidence the legal aspects of business. This includes working with counsel as strategic partners, not only to keep out of trouble but also to use legal tools to create and capture value.
For pre-reading, please see:
Please register by emailing before May 16th.
Location: CBS LAW, Porcelænshaven 18B 1st floor, room PH1.B154, 2000 Frederiksberg
If interested in this event, you may also be interested in reading the linked article here: The article is from Harvard Business School and describes the ten legal mistakes made by Entrepreneurs, also discussed by Constance Bagley.