Project Participants

Strategic innovative partnerships for global growth markets (Innovative Partnerskaber)


The purpose of "STRATEGISKE INNOVATIVE PARTNERSKABER TIL GLOBALE VÆKSTMARKEDER" (Strategic innovative partnerships for global growth markets) is to form the basis for new global growth possibilities for the firms of the region through training and building of competence developing processes about innovative partnerships between firms, researchers, and danish NGOs. This will come about by building and facilitating the "competence and knowledge infrastructure", from the identification of concrete market opportunities for launch of business initiatives in collaboration with NGOs, researchers, and firms. This is done to ensure that the networks through concrete partnerships attain similar competences, access to resources, and networks to create the basis for access to the following markets of growth:1. Sustainable energy, with an estimated unencountered market potential of 433.4 billion USD2. Food, with an estimated unencountered market potential of 2.894 billion USD3. Water, with an estimated unencountered market potential of 20.1 billion USD




Den Europæiske Socialfond


Department of Intercultural Communication and Management

Collaborative partners:

Den Erhvervsdrivende Fond Nordjysk Fødevare Netværk, Aalborg University, Dansk Industri, CARE Danmark, Danish Water Forum , Erhvervs- og Selskabsstyrelsen, ActionAid Denmark, Dansk Røde Kors, University of Copenhagen, Teknologisk Institut



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