Oxford Handbooks Online

Håndbøger med uddybende gennemgang af emner indenfor business og management, finansiering og økonomi, jura, lingvistik, filosofi og politik.

Oxford Handbooks Online

Håndbøger med uddybende gennemgang af emner indenfor business og management, finansiering og økonomi, jura, lingvistik, filosofi og politik.

Oxford Handbooks Online contents

A selection of handbooks dealing with aspects of business and management, economics and finance, law, linguistic, philosophy and political science in an attempt to shed light on key issues, to bring together classic and contemporary debates on those issues, and ultimately to plot a course for how these debates might evolve. The handbooks offer authoritative and valid guides to the research that defines the field.

Oxford Handbooks Online also allows you to search alternative subjects fields, for these, however, fulltext access is not available.

Oxford Handbooks Online facts

Provider Oxford University Press


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 04/11/2024