Recognition at the world's largest management forum
CBS researchers receive prize for unique research at the Academy of Management 2005 in Honolulu
Assistant Professor Koen Heimeriks received the prestigious prize
Sumantra Ghoshal Research and Practice Award for the paper ”Developing Alliance Capabilities: An Empirical Study”, which besides Koen Heimeriks is written by Geert Duysters og Wim Vanhaverbeke.
Research Fellow Anne Bang received the prize
Outstanding student paper award for the paper "In The Subjugation of Instrumentality – Forms and Flows of Knowledge in Management Consultancy."
At the Academy of Management 2005 in Honolulu, the world's largest management forum where more than 7,000 researchers and practicians discussed new tendencies within management, CBS was represented with 35 researchers, 22 papers, participation in 11 symposiums as well as in 9 Professional Development Workshops. With the two prizes CBS further underlines its role in international business research.