CBS receives DKK 6.2m from the Tuborg Foundation

New research in experience economy is to strengthen Danish businesses


New research in experience economy is to strengthen Danish businesses

The Tuborg Foundation grants DKK 6.2m to the research project “Art, competence and competitiveness in the Danish experience economy” (Kunst, kompetence og konkurrenceevne i den danske oplevelsesøkonomi).

The project is the first of its art in Denmark and includes a mapping of the Danish experience economy, an investigation of barriers for growth and development of future management tools. It will be carried out by CBS’ research center Imagine.. Creative Industries Research and managed by Associate Professor Mark Lorenzen in close partnership with the business community.

“Even though experience economy, e.g. music, film, design, computer games, fashion, media and events, tourism and sport, attracts much attention today, and there is talk about its great potential for the society of the future, our knowledge of the Danish experience economy is limited. More and more companies produce experience products, but we do not know much about the dynamics of the experience economy or why some creative industries, companies and countries are doing better than others. With this research project we can now map out and provide a coherent picture of dynamics and potential, “says Project Manager Mark Lorenzen.

“In relation to the Tuborg Foundation’s 75th anniversary, we put great emphasis on the goal of the foundation. The foundation grants money to a range of research projects concerning central problems that are taken up by companies and politicians and that influence the Danish society. Here experience economy is important,” says Chairman of the Tuborg Foundation, CEO Jørn P. Jensen.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/25/2005