Innovation, Operations, and Management: the Core of Business Realization
Copenhagen Business School has appointed Christer Karlsson as professor in Innovation and Operations Management at the Department of Operations Management.
On that occasion the department invites to inaugural lecture and reception.
14:30 Welcome
By President Finn Junge-Jensen and Head of Department Jan Mouritsen
14:45 Inaugural lecture
“Innovation, Operations, and Management: the Core of Business Realization”
By Professor Christer Karlsson
15:30 Reception
How do firms carry out innovation and operations pertaining to sustained business performance? Integrated productand process innovation is a key to the competitiveness of modern firms that often accomplish their strategies in global business networks. Proposing how operations are strategic, the lecture will address the changing status of operations in private and public firms and in production and service firms. In conclusion, the lecture will reflect on whether there is a role for operations in high-cost countries such as Denmark.