Brand Communities - Online and Offline

Seminar arranged by CBS Executive - Master of Corporate Communication

Monday, September 27, 2004 - 15:00 to 18:15

Seminar arranged by CBS Executive - Master of Corporate Communication

We invite you to join us for a seminar where new insights to the phenomenon of brand communities will be presented - and where you can meet faculty members of the new Master of Corporate Communication program.

Communities structured around consumer interests are growing rapidly on the Internet and offline or a combination of both. The seminar focuses on drivers for community membership, strategic brand management considerations, and strategies for developing and maintaining consumer involvement and loyalty.

Deadline for registration: 24 September 2004


15:00-15:30 Welcome & introduction

Professor & Associate Dean Suzanne C. Beckmann, DICM & CBS Executive at CBS

15:30-16:15 A social networks perspective on virtual communities

Professor Amanda Broderick, Aston Business School, Birmingham

16:15 Coffee/tea break

16:45-17:30 The strategic implications of brand communities

Yun Mi Antorini, Ph.D.-student, DICM at CBS

17:30-18:15 Communication strategies for building brand communities

Martin Gjerløff, Senior Strategic Planner at DDB Denmark

18:15 Drinks & Snacks

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/23/2004