Online accounting dictionaries in

It just got easier to look up accounting terms. In Regnskabsordbøgerne (Accounting dictionaries) you'll find definitions and translations of Danish and English terms about accounting, auditing, and management control. You can download the dictionaries to your desktop or smartphone.

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What does organic growth mean in an accounting context? And how do I translate revenue into Danish?

The answers can be found in the Accounting Dictionaries (Regnskabsordbøgerne) that are part of and they are accessible to CBS students and staff from where ever you are working.

The accounting dictionaries are a collection of professional dictionaries in the fields of accounting, auditing, and financial management.

4 accounting dictionaries 

You get access to more than 6,000 words and 25,000 collocations and examples in each dictionary.

  • Regnskab Danish
  • Regnskab Danish-English
  • Regnskab English
  • Regnskab English-Danish

Download to mobile or PC

Regnskabsordbøgerne is part of When you download "Ordbogsprogrammet" you also have access to several general dictionaries from Ordbogsprogrammet is also available as an app for smartphones.
Download Ordbogsprogrammet


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 01/21/2025