Company Search in Factiva

Find articles about companies on the basis of stock price activity.


The news database Factiva has a special search functionality. It shows you a graph of a quoted company's stock price activity and connects it to news articles published on specific dates.

This mean that you can use the stock price activity to locate newspaper articles from a long list of news sources. Just select a specific date on the graph and Factiva will display only those articles published one week before to one week after this day. If you are only interested in articles from a specific day, you can choose that afterwards.

It is also possible to make comparisons using a defined index eg. OMX and in this way pick up on fluctuations not related to the general changes in prices. Or compare with another company.

How to do it:

  • Go to Factiva
  • Click the Companies / Industries menu tab
  • Enter the company name in the search box and select from the results list
  • Click the small picture of a graph "stock price activity"
  • Then you are guided to a page with a larger clickable graph.

The small blue bars at the bottom show the number of articles on a specific date.

Factiva is available to CBS students and staff on and off campus.

The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 07/09/2019