International Directory of Company Histories

Historical description of some 8.500 international companies.

International Directory of Company Histories

Historical description of some 8.500 international companies.

International Directory of Company Histories contents

The International Directory of Company Histories is part of the Gale Virtual Reference Library. The database is updated regularly and consists of more than 100 volumes, of which the first appeared in 1988.

Historical description of some 8.500 international companies, including information about mergers and acquisitions, evolution in organization and management, financial results, primary competitors, and suggestions for further reading.

Hints from the librarian 

Companies in the first 6 volumes are sorted by industry, from volume 7, however, alphabetically by name.

Use the search box to search a company name.

International Directory of Company Histories facts

Provider Gale Cengage Learning


The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 04/03/2024