Shipping BSc in partnership with TAMUG in Texas

CBS' BSc in shipping expands the partnership to include Texas A&M University at Galveston by the Mexican Gulf. The new and very popular study programme is now offered in partnership with two acknowledged universities in two important maritime centres - Singapore and Houston.


Copenhagen Business School has signed a collaboration agreement with Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG). The agreement strengthens the new and popular BSc in shipping, which educates students in rotation between Copenhagen, Singapore and Houston - three of the world's maritime epicentres.

- We are very proud of the agreement with Texas A&M University at Galveston, which is one of North America's most important maritime research and education centres located by the busy port city of Houston, says Per Holten-Andersen.

TAMUG is part of one of the US' biggest universities; Texas A&M University. The university has more than 60,000 students and collaborates with e.g. American institutions such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Naval Research. TAMUG is the maritime branch of the university placed in Galveston on the outskirts of Houston and just by the Mexican Gulf. The university houses e.g. Texas A&M Maritime Academy, which is one of six educational institutions in the US for future officers in the American merchant marine.

The BSC in shipping at CBS already collaborates with Singapore Management University (SMU) and will now also offer students insight into North American shipping. At the same time, CBS is doubling the intake from 25 students in the 2014 class to 50 students in the 2015 class, which from the second year will be mixed with 25 SMU students and 25 TAMUG students.

- Future students can look forward to an even stronger study programme in a high-quality international environment with good opportunities for building strong, international networks. We look forward to offering the maritime sector new, skilled students with international university experience and a global mindset, says Per Holten-Andersen, President.

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Read more about the shipping programme

Read more about TAMUG and SMU

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/31/2018