CBS Competitiveness Day 2015

The CBS Competitiveness Day is a bazar of activities all related to competitiveness, open for companies and society at large. You can choose to attend one session or all of them, if you wish. CBS Competitiveness Day is a unique opportunity to get your knowledge updated on the latest CBS-research related to the competitiveness of Danish firms.

Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 08:30 to 19:00

Time & Place

Time: 10 September 2015, 08:30-19:00
Place: Råvarebygningen (CBS), Porcelænshaven 22, DK-2000 Frederiksberg


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(Click on the title to see an in-depth description of the session.)

Coffee & Registration

Gender Roles and Board Dynamics in a Competitive Environment (Louise Mors, SMG - CBS) 
Professor Louise Mors will present initial findings from a study on board dynamics collaborating with Margarethe Wiersema (Professor at UC Irvine). The study will draw on initial interviews conducted with board members in Denmark, Norway and the US aiming to reach a better understanding of the structure and interactions on boards; especially with an interest in how or if female board members have an influence on these dynamics.

From Service Delivery to Managing Emotions in Service Encounters (Mogens Bjerre, MARKTG - CBS) Service delivery has been studied thoroughly in the past 10 years, and models have been developed accordingly. But what might be as interesting is the emotional state of service employee and the customer, as is the influence of these emotions on the service delivery itself. Furthermore, the effects in service recovery situations will be discussed.

High-Frequency Trading (Ann-Christina Lange & Christian Borch, MPP - CBS)
In recent years financial markets have undergone a huge transformation driven by technology and regulation. Both the structure of the markets in which participants operate and the behavior of those participants have seen a phase shift towards increasing fragmentation and digitalization where trades take place in micro- or even nanoseconds. We will present a study of high-frequency trading and show how the use of high-speed algorithms might transform the financial markets.

Professional Networks of Senior Managers (Olga Zarzecka, SMG - CBS) 
The presentation will summarize results of a study on professional networks of senior managers in Denmark. The study will provide information regarding the average structure of these networks and discuss pros and cons of different networking strategies.

Business Value of Social Media and Enablers for Knowledge Sharing in Danish Companies (Liana Razmerita, IBC - CBS)
What is the business value of social media? What are the factors that influence the social media adoption and use in an organizational context? This presentation will draw on results from an empirical study of social media in an organizational context in Denmark and compared with other practical experience, related research and studies.

Profitabel toplinjevækst gennem mer- og krydssalg: Sådan analyserer du potentialet af kundebasen (Thomas Ritter, SMG - CBS & Henrik Andersen, Andersen&Partners) 
Profitabel top- og bundlinjevækst står øverst på de fleste virksomheders agenda – og det er oplagt at starte med at indhøste restpotentialerne blandt virksomhedernes nuværende kunder. Udfordringen for mange virksomheder er dog, at de mangler viden om, hvor restpotentialer skal findes, så man kan prioritere og målrette salgsindsatsen derefter. Denne session præsenterer et værktøj der kan sikre virksomhederne et sådant indblik i på kunde- og produktniveau og gennemgår de resultater, der er opnået fra pilotimplementeringerne.

Lunch (Stand-up buffet)

(WAITING LIST - Session is fully booked) - The Use and Usefulness of Employee Engagement Surveys: Myths and Realities (Dana Minbaeva, SMG - CBS & External speakers, LEGO & Maersk) 
Human Capital Analytics Group has conducted a study on the use of employee engagement surveys in Danish companies. We interviewed representatives from the large Danish companies and major survey providers, and conducted a quantitative research on the use of employee engagement surveys in Denmark. This resulted in a Trend Spotting Report “Employee Engagement Surveys in Denmark”.

The results of this research project will be presented by Dana Minbaeva and put into perspective by two exciting keynote speeches from Lego and Maersk Drilling - two companies which both work extensively with engagement and actively use data from the employee engagement surveys.

IoT and Big data: connectivity and the internet of everything. Theme: Core technology drivers and applications; user perception and implementation (Session moderator, Thomas Ritter, CBS Competitiveness Platform)
Keynote speakers: Bas Boorsma, Director Internet of Everything, North Europe at Cisco & CEO Claus Kjeldsen, Institute of Future Studies, Copenhagen.
The CBS Competitiveness Platform is co-hosting this special session which is a part of the Smart Solutions for Innovative Cities Conference, organized by the Innovation Centre Denmark.

Vidensmodellering & digitalisering (Bodil Nistrup Madsen & Hanne Erdman Thomsen, IBC - CBS) 
Workshoppen giver gennem oplæg, cases og hands-on en indføring i de nyeste principper og metoder til modellering af viden med særligt henblik på digitalisering.

Målet er at give deltagerne indsigt i, hvordan de kan bidrage til at deres virksomhed eller organisation udvikler konsistente, holdbare og effektive løsninger til håndtering, formidling og udveksling af viden og data.

Book launch - Challenging Customers: Driving Competitiveness through Customer Relationship Optimization (Thomas Ritter, SMG - CBS & Jens Geersbro, MARKTG - CBS) 
The session launches the new book. The authors introduce the key tools from the book, offer an overview of the customer challenge and how to master it.

CBS Servitization Project (Juliana Hsuan, Thomas Frandsen & Jawwad Raja, OM - CBS) 
This presentation will give an overview of how service business models can provide opportunities for driving competitiveness of Danish industry. The presentation is based on the ongoing applied research project 'Driving Competitiveness through Servitization’ which is supported by The Danish Industry Foundation. The project focuses on service strategies of manufacturers and is carried out in collaboration with a number of Danish companies.

Reception (Wine & Light Buffet)

Download the programme for CBS Competitiveness Day 2015 (pdf)

The page was last edited by: Competitiveness platform // 10/20/2021