PhD Project on Business Development in Ports

At the beginning of 2015 CBS Maritime bid welcome to Cheryl Basil Sequeira as PhD-fellow at CBS.


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Foto: CBS Maritime

Cheryl is part of the CBS Maritime Research program in which seven PhD-projects and five mapping projects targeted at analyzing future challenges and development opportunities for both the national and international maritime business community.
Although very early in her research carrier, Cheryl Basil Sequeira says that her research proposal aims at reaching out to answer a call from the operations  management  community  for  the further  investigation  of  business  model  innovation  and  servitization  within  the  context  of  the maritime shipping port.

"I am both happy and excited about the opportunity to be able to study the maritime sector from a port perspective. My overall subject is business development in ports and I will be seeking a better understanding of the business model and how the different components influence value in the context of ports,” says Cheryl Basil Sequeira.  “I will also be investigating the interaction between ports and other maritime actors and, among other, seeking to answer questions such as: How do shipping ports create value by (re)configuring their integration with other maritime actors and the business model innovation of these actors?”

Cheryl Basil Sequeira is affiliated the Department of Operations Management at CBS. She has a Master of Science in Business administration from University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’.She also has experience teaching undergraduates and postgraduates  in United kingdom.

About the Maritime Research Program
With the support of The Danish Maritime Fund and five departments at CBS, CBS Maritime is coordinating a DKK 20 million research program targeted at sectoral needs in the maritime industry. Seven PhD projects and five mapping projects aim to contribute to the development of the maritime industry, nationally as well as internationally, on the basis of a close dialogue with the maritime business community. The program was launched in 2014 with commencement of five mapping projects with the aim to support the coming PhD projects with data and knowledge about the maritime industry.
For further details about the Maritime Research Program please contact CBS Maritime Co-director, Carsten Ørts Hansen.

The page was last edited by: CBS Maritime // 07/11/2023