Karan Boll guests the tv show 'Skatteletteren i Skat'

Member at the platform and one of Denmark’s leading researchers within the Danish taxation field Karen Boll, is guest in the national broadcast show ‘Skeletterne i SKAT’ (the ghosts at SKAT) where she contributes with knowledge about the organizational changes that are related to the current challenges that are facing the organization


Currently Denmark is witnessingt challenges and scandals in the Danish Tax System SKAT. Karen Boll, member of the CBS Public-Private Platform and one of Denmark’s leading researchers within the Danish taxation field Karen Boll, is guest in the national broadcast show ‘Skeletterne i SKAT’ (the ghosts at SKAT) where she contributes with knowledge about the organizational changes that are related to the current challenges that are facing the organization. If this interests you, you can watch the show here. (In Danish)


The page was last edited by: Public-Private Platform // 12/17/2017