Responsibility at CBS 2021
Carbon Literacy Workshop
Carbon Literacy: “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”
Follow CBS PRME on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on the next Carbon Literacy workshop!
By taking this free workshop, participants are eligible to become Carbon Literacy certified. Participants who wish to get the Carbon Literacy Certification will need to pay a 10 GBP fee directly to the issuing organization.
By taking part in this training, you will gain an understanding of:
- The basic science behind the climate crisis
- The impact different sectors such as food have on our climate and vice versa
- Climate Change mitigation tools for your discipline or/and function
- Solutions with the highest impact
- Strategies and skills for communicating and/or teaching climate actions
- Your personal possibilities to take action privately and in your current/ future role
The purpose is to understand how you - as business school students and the leaders of the future - are addressing the issue of climate change, and discuss your understanding and expectations of the role of government and the private sector.
Today, over 26,000 individuals and more than 2,000 organizations are Carbon Literate. Are you?
The upcoming Carbon Literacy Workshop is organised in collaboration with oikos Copenhagen. So far, CBS has 415 registered participants of the carbon literacy workshops, and 128 of the attendees are now certified.
The workshop will take place during CBS Green Week (Monday, May 9, 2022 / 8:00 AM - Thursday, May 12, 2022 / 9:00 AM)
By taking part in this workshop, you will gain an understanding of:
- The basic science behind climate change
- Social equity & climate change
- What you can do to act on climate change
- Strategies and skills for communicating action on climate change
- Accounting for and reporting on climate change
Participants have the chance to get a certificate by the Carbon Literacy Project, recognized by the UN at COP21*
(Registration link coming soon)
*To obtain the certificate, you must participate in both workshops and pay £10 (≈ 85dkk).
Read more about Carbon Literacy here
If you have any questions please contact, Lavinia Iosif-Lazar,
PRME Nordic Chapter
The PRME Nordic Chapter was established in September 2014 and it serves as a focal point of coordination and communication for signatories based in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Copenhagen School of Business was elected in a consensus vote as the first official chairing school for the chapter for the period 2014–2016. The PRME Nordic Chapter serves to collect all Nordic PRME signatories in a Nordic-wide network, to help each other implement the PRME initiatives in their local context. The chapter therefore provides to provide a space for the dissemination of ideas and best practices between participating schools through meetings and workshops.
Current key activities at CBS PRME related to PRME Nordic Chapter:
- Nordic PhD course
- Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals
- Carbon literacy training
The PRME Nordic network meets twice a year.
If you represent a Nordic business or management school, and would like to be involved in the PRME Regional Chapter Nordic, do not hesitate to contact the CBS PRME Office:
For further questions, please contact Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan,
PRME Nordic Chapter Meeting 2017, Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki.
Responsibility Day 2021
Responsibility Day was launched by the Dean of Education in 2009 and is today one of the biggest annual events held by CBS with more than 2000 participants each year. The event has a duel function in part as an official welcome ceremony for all 1st year undergraduates and in part as an introduction to a case competition with responsibility in business as the main theme. At the event, the students are met by a wide range of stakeholders including teachers, student organisations, CBS senior management, industry leaders, celebrities and many more. The case competition centers around real-life challenges in regards to corporate social responsibility (CSR) within a chosen case company. Case companies from previous years include Hummel, Claus Meyer and the Danish denim brand Yab Yum.
For further questions, please contact,
Crown Princess Mary giving a speech on Responsibility Day 2017.
In 2019, Responsibility Day has the theme “How are organizational dilemmas managed responsibly?” and will entail a panel debate with representatives from the Danish industry such as; Grundfos, UN Women, Novo Nordisk, Ørsted and Mærsk. This year’s case evolves around Grundfos’ employee initiative ‘Water2Life’ and how they can responsibly manage their dilemmas. Representatives from the management consulting company, QVARTZ, will guide the students in solving the case. CBS management, together with celebrity speakers, will then talk with the students about what responsibility means at CBS and in a broader spectrum.
The day will then commence at Solbjerg Plads, where lunch will be provided, followed by afternoon sessions where students work on the case and can get assistance from QVARTZ professionals. The following three days the students will then spend solving the case and the top three finalists will compete for the 1st place in The Case Finale on 12th of September. The whole two weeks will then be wrapped up when the winners are announced at The Case Finale, with a party at Nexus!
Responsibility Day 2019 was held at at KB Hallen on the 2nd of September.
Case lounges took place at Solbjerg Plads from the 2nd – 4th of September.
The case finale took place at Solbjerg Plads on the 12th of September.
Read the Responsibility Day 2019 case here: Grundfos Case
The winners also won a trip to the 18th ABIS Annual Colloquium Conference in Berlin. The goal of the conference is to put focus on the importance of measuring impacts, the challenges that academia and businesses are facing to maximize their impact.
Read the student article about the conference here: Responsibility Day 2019 Student Article
ABIS Annual Colloquium on Business in Society: Measuring Impact and Creating Change 29-30 October, 2019 in Berlin.
Responsible and sustainable behavior is increasingly becoming more and more important for companies and society as a whole. At CBS, one key objective is to convey values that hopefully enhance responsible behavior in its students. But is education at CBS geared towards this objective or is it indirectly equipping our students to support dubious business practices through its focus on profit maximization and utilitarian decision making? The Responsible Management Education (RME) survey tries to answer these questions by measuring students attitudes towards (ir)responsible behaviour, their self-efficacy and belief about their ability to act responsibly. By repeating this survey after every semester we have now obtained longitudinal data that helps us understand how these attitudes change over time. It is hoped that the insights gained from this survey will help CBS better understand what influence its curriculum has on the attitudes of its students and what can be improved or changed to help strengthen CBS’ position as one of the leading business schools for responsible management education in the world.
For further questions, please contact Elin Colmsjö,
Recent developments show the impact but also challenges that technology and the digital transformation have on Danish businesses, society and the planet. The four-day Hackathon on Responsible Management and Blockchain Technology took place on September 24 to September 27. The prorgram gave the chance to students to get creative, innovative and pitch their ideas on challenges that organisations face regarding possible futures of blockchain as a solution. The winning team (2-5 students) of each challenge received a 10.000 DKK prize.

The Patagonia Case Competition is being held for the 5th time by University of California - Berkeley Haas School of Business. The case competition is an amazing opportunity to research corporate sustainability with one of the most forward thinking companies in the world, Patagonia. Copenhagen Business School is providing students with the opportunity to sign up for the case competition and possibly be one of the finalists going to Berkeley, California. Winners from past years include Yale University, University of Michigan, and University of Virginia.
During Spring 2020 CBS will participate in the Berkeley-Haas Case Series and Patagonia Case Competition. This is a unique case competition redefining the relationship between business and a healthy planet. Graduate students from across the US, and globally, tackle the interdisciplinary business and sustainability aspects of a current, real-life issue facing the outdoor gear retailer Patagonia. CBS PRME supports CBS participation in the this case competition.We love seeing students strengthening their engagement with sustainability. Educational opportunities that support learning by connecting crucial issues into our decision-making. Meanwhile, taking into account the consequences of our actions not only for financial capital, but also the boundaries of our planet.
Key Dates:
- Sep. 2019: Topic for the case released
- Nov. 2019: Rules posted
- Jan. 2020: Team sign up deadline
- Jan. 2020: Case Released
- Feb. 2020: Case proposals due
- March 2020: Finalists announced
- April 2020: Finalist presentations
Cash Prizes:
- 1st prize: $15,000
- 2nd prize: $5,000
- 3rd prize: $2,500
More information coming soon.
Read more here
The Background and Motivation
The pandemic has seen our global PRME community hampered not only in our work but also in our connectedness. This disconnectedness has been even more hard-hitting on our PRME student communities. We felt it was time to reignite the connection with our student communities and to help develop this community with both academics and students across the Global PRME network. Through this initiative we also reaffirm our dedication to our PRME student commitment.
The Goal
Our aim is to connect our global PRME student communities in order to address global challenges and to create a conversation that, it is hoped, will act as an impetus to action. By bringing this initiative to the greater global PRME community comprising of 86 countries, we envisage that these globally distributed students with diverse backgrounds and cultures will contribute to these conversations from their regional perspectives, and they will share their knowledge and co-create solutions.
- Demonstrate an understanding of and reflection on ethical and sustainability issues within the field of International Business
- Demonstrate an awareness of wider social and management issues and cultural diversity within a global network and context
- Demonstrate a range of professional and transferable global citizenship skills such as effective communication, understanding of responsible leadership and team working skills
- All students gain a certificate of participation if they engage with all sessions.
- Participation in the PMRE Global Conversation could be used to support the NBS Certificate of Sustainability in Practice, where student complete a voluntary Sustainability in Practice (SiP) short course on the internal learning portal giving them an opportunity to explore this question alongside sustainability fundamentals such as the climate and ecological emergency, the Sustainable Development Goals and systems thinking. You will also explore your personal values, mindsets and leadership styles in relation to sustainability.
The Process
Initially, Copenhagen Business School and Nottingham Business School collaborate to develop the PRME Global conversation model. The first series of conversation(s) week will follow up, which will be guided by experts in sustainable development goals, global awareness of ethics, responsibility and sustainability issues.
Time and location
To be established.