Value and Growth by Pharmaceutical Public-Private Partnering

The conference deals with the Danish research project regarding value and growth by pharmaceutical partnerships and experience from the American pharmaceutical industry as well as a theoretical academic perspective.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013 - 12:30 to 18:00

Research project

Value and growth through new kinds of innovative cooperation and partnerships in Denmark

The research project is based on future models for collaboration between the Danish pharmaceutical industry and public universities based on experience from particularly the US, but other EU countries as well. The project studies partnering as a future type of cooperation contract between the parties; a type of relational contract that is already blossoming between the pharmaceutical companies and universities in the global industry. These partnering agreements can serve as a basis for a closer collaboration across companies and universities and this project aims at describing how to do so in a legal contract by basing two model contracts on economic theory in order to create a legal framework for joint utility.


12:30-13:00 Registration and sandwich lunch
13:00-13:05 Presentation by Professor (mso), PhD Christina D. Tvarnø, Law Department /CBS


Keynote by Dr.Christopher Paul Milne, Director of Research, Tufts University

Partnering collaboration in the Pharmaceutical industry from a global market and research perspective.

Moderated by: Professor Carsten Greve


Keynote by Dr. Robert Ford, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee

The Division of Signal Transduction Therapy at The University of Dundee- A unique collaboration between academia and industry.

Moderated by: Professor Carsten Greve


Presentation of the report: Value and Growth by Pharmaceutical Public-Private Partnering, by

  • Professor (mso), PhD Christina D. Tvarnø, Law Department / CBS
  • Lector, PhD Kim Østergaard, Law Department / CBS
  • Lector, PhD Grith Ølykke, Law Department / CBS
  • M.Sc, MVA Ambassador Torsten Jepsen, Medicon Valley Alliance
  • Head of Research, PhD Lars H. Pedersen, Bioneer

Followed by Q&A

Moderated by: Professor Carsten Greve

15:00-15:30 Coffee break and networking

Panel debate with

  • Vice-Dean Sven Frøkjær, Copenhagen University
  • Vice-president Klaus P. Bøgesø, H. Lundbeck A/S
  • Chief of Section Thomas Alslev Christensen, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Education
  • CEO Ida Sofie Jensen, The Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Attorney, Life Sciences & Healthcare Specialist, Patent Litigator, Junior Partner Martin Dræbye Gantzhorn, Horten
  • Dr. Christopher Paul Milne, Director of Research, Tufts University
  • Dr. Robert Ford, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee

The sector’s view on tomorrow’s possibilities and needs for collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and public universitets and other public research institutions.

Moderated by: Senior Consulent, DEA, PhD Maria Theresa Norm


Drinks and networking


Participation is free. Follow this link to sign up, before November 26, 2013.

For more information on the conference regarding program and keynotes, please go to the conference website.


Organised by Law Department / Juridisk Institut
Date Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Time 12:30-18:00


Solbjerg Plads 3

2000 Frederiksberg

Room SPs14 (ground floor)


The page was last edited by: Public-Private Platform // 12/17/2017