PhD defence: Letícia Vedolin Sebastião
In order to obtain the PhD degree, Letícia Vedolin Sebastião has submitted her thesis entitled:
Mindfulness and Consumption Routes Toward Consumer Self-Control
The well-being of consumers has become a topic of interest to marketing researchers, who aim to benefit society and the environment. Following this movement, this thesis investigates mindfulness and its effects on virtuous decision-making and consumer self-control.
Primary Supervisor: Department of Marketing Copenhagen Business School
Secondary Supervisor: Professor Torsten Ringberg Department of Marketing Copenhagen Business School
Assessment Committee: Associate Professor Selma Kadic-Maglajlic (Chair) Department of Marketing Copenhagen Business School
Associate Professor Robert Smith Tilburg School of Economics and Management Tilburg University
Associate Professor Mirja Hubert Department of Management School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University
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