CBS PRME releases InFocus Reports

As with many large institutions, comprehensive information at CBS on specific topics can be hard to locate and often cumbersome to compile. In an effort to support CBS with this, PRME has initiated a new resource aimed at providing PRME related information to both internal and external stakeholders. CBS PRME presents their "InFocus Reports."



As of January 2020, CBS PRME has launched a series of short, focused reports on topics related to sustainability, responsible management education (RME) and/or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at CBS. The series is intended to give short and succinct overviews for senior management, faculty, administrative staff and students stakeholders to have at their fingertips when required.

To date, the series known as InFocus reports have provided an informative and very accessible overview of, for example, the origins of PRME, SDG’s in research and curricula and specialized training programme in in carbon literacy here at CBS.

Currently there are a few reports in the pipeline including an InFocus report on student organizations addressing sustainability and /or the SDGs as well as a report on PRME the methodology behind our current PRME Curriculum Development project. The aim is to develop a comprehensive collection spanning all relevant areas and activities at CBS.


For more information on our InFocus Reports check out our PRME Resources page or contact Martiina M. Srkoc at or Caroline Aggestam Pontoppidan at

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The page was last edited by: PRME // 02/06/2023