Cyber security - Find an expert

There are more serious digital threats to companies, authorities, individuals and countries than ever. Below is a list of researchers from CBS who conduct research on cyber security, digital threats and relevant legislation, e.g. NIS2, which is a new EU directive on cyber security to be implemented over the next two years.


Cypersikkerhed - find en ekspert
Photo: Shutterstock

Andrej Savin, Professor MSO and Head of CBS Law (Danish, English)
- EU cyber law
- EU cyber security
- NIS2
- Regulations applicable to Danish and European companies

Irfan Kanat, Assistant Professor, Department of Digitalization (English)
- Cyber threats and risks
- Cybersecurity Governance (how to mobilise a cyber defence in a company and how to get the most out of the cyber security budget)
- Analyses and describes current incidents

Jan Lemnitzer, Assistant Professor, Department of Digitalization (English, German)
- Cyber war
- Ransomware
- Cyber security policy
- Cyber security regulation

Johan Ole Willers, PhD, Department of Organization (English, Danish)
- Cyber security
- Surveillance software
- Capacity building
- Cyber insurance

Raghava Rao Mukkamala, Associate Professor, Department of Digitalization (English
- Cyber security
- Cyber bullying
- Ethical hacking
- Social cyber security, hate speech and propaganda
- Principal investigator on two research projects on cyber security funded by the Danish Industry Foundation

Søren Sandfeld Jakobsen, Professor, CBS Law (Danish, English)
- Cyber security law
- The NIS directive (EU)

Tawfiq Alashoor, Assistant Professor, Department of Digitalization (English, Arabic)
- Privacy behaviours and decisions
- Social engineering and psychological manipulation
- Cyber security

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 07/11/2023