About CBS

Student Assistant (BIGFI)


Center for Big Data in Finance (BIGFI) is looking to hire 1-2 student assistants who are interested in supporting us in our research via data collection and cleaning, calculations, model implementation and information retrieval. 

Ideal profile  

We are looking for a student who has taken courses in Financial Economics, Mathematics, Probability, and Statistics and who enjoys working with data and/or the implementation of models in e.g. Excel, Stata, Matlab, R, Python, or SAS. To be considered for the position, students should have achieved top grades (10 or 12, or international equivalent) in most relevant subjects and have excellent communication skills in both written and oral English. 

 Working at BIGFI 

In this position, students work approximately 10-15 hours a week, but we are flexible with respect to courses and exam periods. BIGFI offers students an opportunity to explore the world of research on the job, offering insights into a potential future career as a researcher. Working for BIGFI can also be a great stepping stone for an application to economics and finance PhD programs.  

How to apply 

If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your application via the “apply now button” no later than January 20, 2024. 

Your application must include the following: 

  • Short motivation letter, including a description of your experience working with data (max. 1 page) 

  • CV, including a description of the following competencies: 

    • Programming languages (R, Python, etc.) and possibly other software 
    • Databases (WRDS, CRSP, Compustat, etc.) 

  • Exam record with grades 

Conditions of employment 

Employment will be according to the HK-organisationsaftale and the collective agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Offentligt Ansattes Organisationer (OAO-S Fællesoverenskomsten). 

The salary currently amounts to between DKK 140.57 and DKK 147.46 and depends on previous clerical occupation and level of education. Pension contributions are made. The pension contribution amounts to 15% of the pensionable salary components. 

It is a prerequisite for employment that you are a student enrolled at a Danish institution in higher education or in a professional bachelor program; and that, at the start date at the latest, you have a physical address in Denmark, a Danish social security number and a Danish bank account. 

We are interviewing candidates on an ongoing basis until the candidates have been found, so please apply as soon as possible. We are looking forward to receiving your application! 

More information 

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact: 

Center Coordinator Nina Ivalu Sigurdsen 

Email: nis.fi@cbs.dk 

Closing date: 20 January 2025.

Apply online


CBS is a globally recognised business school with deep roots in the Nordic socio-economic model. Our faculty has a broad focus on societal challenges, and we have earned a reputation for high-quality disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and education. 

We are located at Frederiksberg and have approximately 20,000 full and part-time students, 800 full-time faculty members, 200 PhD students and 700 administrative staff, and a full portfolio of bachelor, master, MBA/EMBA, PhD and executive programmes taught in English and Danish. 

Our global profile carries the obligation to address critical challenges in our research and to develop the transformational capabilities of students, graduates and business leaders via our educational activities and opportunities for lifelong learning. Complex challenges call for joint action, and therefore our strategy focuses on strengthening current and starting new partnerships with other sciences, the business community, authorities and civil society.

CBS is working continuously on becoming a diverse and inclusive organisation, and we encourage all regardless of gender identity and expression, ethnicity, religious beliefs, LGBT+ status, cultural background etc. to apply.
Reach out to us if you need assistance in the application or recruitment process, if there is something we should know, or if as a person with disability you wish to make use of your preferential access.