Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries - Cases, Lessons, Challenges

Based on a robust theoretical framework on policy success, this co-edited volume with Oxford University Press showcases 23 cases across the 5 Nordic countries.


Based on a robust theoretical framework on policy success, this co-edited volume with Oxford University Press on Nordic policy successes, showcases 23 cases across the 5 Nordic countries. Many of these successes are congruent with CBS’ Nordic Nine, in terms of managing effectiveness, as well as fairness. The co-authored introduction, available through the link above, presents the theoretical framework and highlights specific features of policy-making in the Nordic countries. Thereafter, each case highlights how the successes have come about, often through the Nordic model of decision-making, involving multiple stakeholders and reaching a balanced compromise. Each chapter is written in order to be teachable, with access to additional resources, for teachers to guide students to be able to make their own analyses.