New collaborators and knowledge sharing

During a four-day field trip to Singapore, the Platform met with amongst others Ideo Singapore, the Ministry of Manpower, the Local Transport Authority (LCA) and the LKY School of Public Policy.


The CBS Public-Private Platform is constantly growing its network through its many activities and collaborations throughout the world, enhancing the visibility of CBS and its Business in Society Strategy. Many international stakeholders the find concept and value of the Public-Private Platform of great interest, and are keen to develop similar initiatives in own countries.

Over the last months, the PP Platform have had the opportunity to undertake an even higher level of knowledge sharing and
network building with relevant international partners. With point of departure in currently active PP Platform research themes
and projects a set of field visits and meetings has taken place in countries such as Singapore and Dubai. At home in Denmark¨,
we have hosted delegation visits from organizations in Finland and Norway. All the activities held the purpose of presenting
one another for current work and ‘challenges’ and hence looking at whether shared ideas should be elaborated now or later in
the future.

During the four-day field trip to Singapore, the Platform met with amongst others Ideo Singapore, the Ministry of Manpower, the Local Transport Authority (LCA) and the LKY School of Public Policy.

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The LKY school of Public Policy will especially be relevant for the Platform to keep in contact with, since their initiatives on ‘how to educate’ and collaborate between research environment and the public and private sector are remarkable similar to the Platform’s initiatives. Furthermore, the Singapore the Local Transport Authority will visit the Platform during the Fall 2016.

The PP Platform also had the opportunity to amongst others visit the public sector innovation and development department of
the “Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation” in Dubai, which is investing heavily in building public sector
innovation projects. It was interesting to share knowledge on how Public and Private sector can potentially best work together.
This summer the Platform also hosted delegation visits from Åbo Academy in Finland and The Confederation of Norwegian
Enterprise (NHO Agder) in Norway.


Sidst opdateret: Public-Private Platform // 08/10/2019