Release of the book "An Introduction to Corporate Governance – Mechanisms and Systems"

Professor Steen Thomsen’s book “An Introduction to Corporate Governance – Mechanisms and Systems” is just been published by DJØF Publishing Copenhagen.


This book provides an introduction to corporate governance - the control and direction og companies by boards, owners, company law and other mechanisms. It deals both with the mechanisms of governance and how they are combined in different governance systems around the world. Part I is a non-technical overview of governance mechanisms and country models. Part II is an in-depth discussion of some particularly important governance mechanisms: ownership, boards, business ethics and corporate governance codes. Part III reviews international corporate governance systems: the market based US and UK systems, bank governance in Germany, cross ownership in Japan, and family business in East Asia. It is recommended that boards do regular corporate reviews to ensure value creation.

To read more about the book and buy it click here

Sidst opdateret: Communications // 26/10/2012