Leadership Paper Series
Leadership Paper Series er en række af events, der samler forskere på tværs af CBS for at inspirere og fremme en tværfaglig dialog om ledelse og ledelsesudvikling. Vi sætter fokus på eksisterende forskningsindsatser og deres relevans for ledelse i en praktisnær kontekst.
Vi inviterer junior- og seniorfakultet på CBS, samt gæsteforskere til at præsentere og diskutere igangværende forskning om ledelse fra forskellige faglige perspektiver og teoretiske traditioner. Oplægsholderne modtager konstruktiv feedback fra debattører og deltagere med det formål at udvikle deres artikler og argumenter frem mod en mulig udgivelse.
Hvis du gerne vil høre mere, eller hvis du er interesseret i at deltage eller fremlægge til et af vores kommende events, kan du kontakte Professor Dan Kärreman (dk.msc@cbs.dk)
Hvis du er nysgerrig, kan du læse mere om vores tidligere Leadership Paper Series events nedenfor.
September 2024 - Navigating Power and Success in the Corporate Upper Echelons
Paper 1. Hanging By A Thread While At The Zenith? The Effect Of Career Choices And Social Capital On Directors' Career Success
By Ilaria Orlandi (CBS)
Paper 2. Elite corporate networks and CEO compensation: The causes and consequences of CEO pay premiums
By Thomas Poulsen (CBS), Lasse Folke (CBS), & Dustin Avent-Holt (Augusta University)
Maj 2024 - Craft, imagination and experimentation
Paper 1. The Craft Imaginary in Leadership Studies - towards slow leadership
By Marta Gasparin (CBS) & Steven Brown (NTU)
Paper 2. Realists of a larger reality?: Science fiction, the utopian imagination and the speculative experimentations with future better worlds in robotics
By Ana Alacovska (CBS)
Marts 2024 - Digital technologies meet influence and leadership
Paper 1. The Unseen Divide: Individual Adoption of Generative AI Tools in the Workplace
By Christian Hendriksen (CBS)
Paper 2. Balancing digital person-branding in multi-stakeholder management processes
By Anna-Bertha Heeris Christensen, Antonia Erz & Sylvia von Wallpach (CBS)
December 2023 - Developing and selecting leaders
Paper 1. Shaping Organizational Performance via Bottom-up Voice and Top-down Vetting in Managerial Selection: Evidence from the Educational Sector
By Thomaz Teodorovicz (CBS), Samina Karim (Northeastern University) & Monica Higgins (Harvard University)
Paper 2. Elevating managers – Examining the anthropotechniques of a business simulation
By Esben Langager Olsen (Novo Nordisk) & Johan Simonsen Abildgaard (CBS)
Juni 2023 - The implications of human capital
Paper 1. Cognitive ability, non-cognitive ability, and employee mobility: Evidence from Swedish microdata
By Ali Mohammadi, Pooyan Khashabi, Tobias Kretschmer, & Joseph Raffiee
Paper 2. Not just a woman or a man: How board faultlines and overlap between CEO and female directors’ characteristics affect firm performance
By Sabina Nielsen & Morten Huse
November 2022 - Authenticity and trust
Paper 1. The Ethics of Authentic Leadership: A Heideggerian Perspective
By Florence Villesèche & Sverre Spoelstra
Paper 2. Faces of Trust in Public Management and Governance
By Steen Vallentin & Elisabet Skov Nielsen
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September 2022 - Interaction and networks
Paper 1. Influence in interaction: The realization of moments of leadership?
By Magnus Larsson, Christian Dyrlund Wåhlin-Jacobsen, Liv Hassert & Lars Thøger Christensen
Paper 2. How much for a female CEO – and who pays the price? Investigating the practices and processes of pricing women leaders in professional executive recruitment
By Sara L. Muhr, Kai Inga Liehr Storm & Minna Paunova
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Maj 2022 - Leadership and AI: Futures, faith, and hope
Paper 1. Is the future of leadership a Mechanical Turk reversed?
By Sverre Spoelstra & Anoush Margaryan
Paper 2. Extending hope: Exploring the leadership practices of promissory technology projects
By Frank Meier & Dan Kärreman
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Marts 2022 - Reflection and action in leadership
Paper 1. The play’s the thing – Hamlet and the question of leadership
By Robin Holt & Eric Guthey
Paper 2. So, I just sit there and laugh at jokes that aren’t funny: Dealing with tension and gender in the Danish Workplace
By Edmonia Baker & Signe Vikkelsø