Coping with institutional complexity - Seminar with Emilia Kvarnström

Coping with institutional complexity – a study of how corporations and NGOs negotiate CSR in collaborations.

Fredag, 29 november, 2013 - 10:00 to 12:00

"In my dissertation I examine how actors at the micro-level are coping with institutional complexity. I study collaborations between corporations and NGOs. More precise I look into the role of the organizers that set up these collaborations; the corporation teams at NGOs, the CSR-responsible at the corporations and mediators working with match-making to set up collaborations. The organizers have to deal with both the market logic and community logic and part of their function seems to be translation and negotiation of logics. I try to grasp their reflections and experiences of working between two different logics and draw conclusions of how they cope with institutional complexity."


Emilia is a visiting PhD from Uppsala University Department of business studies. She is here six months, from August to end of January. She is in her last year of her PhD and has a Master in Business Studies from Uppsala University and Queens University, Ontario Canada. She also holds a bachelor in Social psychology from Uppsala University. She is supervised by Professor Lars Strannegård at Stockholm School of Economics, associate professor Linda Wedlin at the department of business studies and associate professor Josef Pallas at the department of Informatics and Media/Department of Business Studies.

Sidst opdateret: Department of Organization // 12/02/2019