CBS launches horizon Marie Skłodowska-Curie Network on ports as energy transition hubs
The Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure (CSEI), Department of Economics and CBS Maritime (CBSM), Department of Strategy and Innovation are excited to announce the launch of the Horizon Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network on Ports as Energy Transition Hubs (Potent). This initiative, which is organised by Henrik Sornn-Friese, Tooraj Jamasb and Philipp Alexander Ostrowicz, has been awarded a grant of 4.38 million EUR, which will fund fifteen PhD candidates across Europe. Three of the candidates will be based here at CBS – one at CSEI and two at CBS Maritime.
The Potent project aims to address critical knowledge gaps essential for facilitating the clean energy transition in ports. Key focus areas include:
- Infrastructure Requirements: Analysing the needs for alternative fuels, bunker consumption, Power-to-X (PTX) demand, and the dynamics of shipping markets.
- Integration of Digital Technologies: Optimising energy use through technological advancements and innovative approaches.
- Technological and Economic Aspects: Examining the regulatory, policy, social implications and future potentials of green energy ports.
- Strategic and Governance Challenges: Identifying business model opportunities and addressing the governance issues ports encounter in the clean energy transition.
“This network not only fosters academic excellence but also bridges the gap between research and real-world application, ensuring that our findings contribute to significant advancements in sustainable practices within port operations,” says Philipp A. Ostrowicz, CSEI Coordinator.
The Potent network represents an interdisciplinary collaboration involving several prestigious universities, including the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), World Maritime University (WMU), Chalmers University of Technology (CTH), Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Kühne Logistics University (KLU), KEDGE Business School, and Copenhagen Business School (CBS). Additionally, the project engages key industry partners such as the Ports of Esbjerg, Hamburg, Cartagena, Mombasa, and Marseille, as well as international organisations like the World Bank, the United Nations, and the Mærsk-McKinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping.
For more information about the Potent project, please contact Kristoffer Rae at