Database: Preqin

If you are seeking data and information on private equity and the global investment industry, Preqin is an obvious choice.


Preqin is a professional tool for insight into the investment world. As a CBS student, you have access to information and data from Preqin when you are on CBS Campus.

CBS Library's subscription covers the private equity module. It allows you to search for specific funds, investments, and performance.

Be aware that you do not have multiple tabs open at the same time - then Preqiun shuts down as it perceives you as using bots to scan multiple pages at once.

CBS Library also offers other databases with information and data on private equity and venture capital. See our detailed Libguide on private equity and venture capital.

Sidst opdateret: CBS Library // 05/05/2021

Where to access the database

Only available on CBS campus.