
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Assistant professor

Leave: Part-time leave at Stanford University
Room: KIL/14.A-3.69

Madeleine is Assistant Professor (tenure-track) at the Department of Strategy and Innovation at Copenhagen Business School and visiting scholar at Stanford University. Madeleine´s research focuses on strategic management and innovation with a particular interest in strategic decision-making, such as heuristics and change of decision patterns. More recently, Madeleine also conducts research in extreme contexts and challenges faced by people both working and living in challenging contexts, such as war-torn areas like Afghanistan, Yemen and Iraq. She tackles these (grand) challenges from a variety of theoretical angles while mainly applying case studies and ethnographies. She is an active members of Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society and EGOS, and will organize a thematic theme at SMS 2022 in London on ‘Opening up Strategy Research’. Her work has been published in both academics and practitioner outlets such as Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Organization, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, and Harvard Business Review.

Primary research areas
  • Heuristics decision making
  • Strategy making for both larger and nascent firms
  • Influence of (disruptive) innovation
  • Tackling grand challenges


Administrative tasks

Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage
  • Strategic Management and Innovation

Other teaching activities

Selected publications
  • Rauch, M., Ansari, S. (2021). Waging war from remote cubicles: How workers cope with technologies that disrupt the meaning and morality of their work. Organization Science (forthcoming)
  • Rauch, M., Ansari, S. (2021). From "Publish or Perish' to Societal Impact: Organizational Repurposing towards Responsible Innovation through creating a medical platform. Journal of Management Studies (forthcoming)
  • Rauch, M., Ansari, S. (2021). Diaries as a methodological innovation in the study of grand challenges. Research in the Sociology of Organizations (forthcoming)
  • Stanske, A., Rauch, M., Canato, A. (2020). Anti-Identity Strategizing: The dynamic interplay of “Who we are” and “Who we are not”. Strategic Organization, 18(1): 136-170.
  • Cornelissen, J., Hartmann, M., Koch, J. Rauch, M., Wenzel, M. (2020). (Un)Mind the gap: How organizational actors cope with an identity-strategy misalignment. Strategic Organization, 18(1), 212-244.
Publications sorted by:
Madeleine Rauch; Moritz Loock; Wolfgang H. Güttel / Introduction to the Special Issue on Heuristics
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 186, No. B, 2023, 4 p.
Stephan Manning; Stanislav Vavilov; Madeleine Rauch / Circular or Cumulative? : Complementary Resource Mobilization from Crowdfunding and Local Ecosystems.
Paper presented at DRUID22 Conference, 2022
Paper > peer review
Stephan Manning; Madeleine Rauch; Stanislav Vavilov / Creating Complementarities : How Entrepreneurs Mobilize Crowdfunding and Local Ecosystems.
In: Strategic Organization, 10.6.2022
Journal article > peer review
Madeleine Rauch; Shahzad Ansari / Diaries as a Methodological Innovation for Studying Grand Challenges
In: Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges. ed. /Ali Aslan Gümüsay; Emilio Marti; Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich; Christopher Wickert. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2022, p. 205-220 (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 79)
Book chapter > peer review
Madeleine Rauch; Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari / From ‘Publish or Perish’ to Societal Impact : Organizational Repurposing towards Responsible Innovation through Creating a Medical Platform.
In: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 59, No. 1, 1.2022, p. 61-91
Journal article > peer review
Madeleine Rauch; Shaz Ansari / Waging War from Remote Cubicles : How Workers Cope with Technologies That Disrupt the Meaning and Morality of Their Work.
In: Organization Science, Vol. 33, No. 1, 1.2022, p. 83-104
Journal article > peer review
Madeleine Rauch / Drones in Military Warfare : The Moral and Emotional Implications of an Emerging Technology.
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-First Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . ed. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor : Academy of Management 2021, 5 p. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
Madeleine Rauch; Shaz Ansari / Drones in Military Warfare : The Moral and Emotional Implications of an Emerging Technology.
Paper presented at DRUID21 Conference, 2021
Paper > peer review
Matthias Wenzel; Madeleine Rauch; Abiodun Adegbile; Yevgen Bogodistov; Sadrac Cénophat; Michael Hartmann; David Wagner; Veit Wohlgemuth / Dynamic Capabilities : Celebrating the Plurality of Understandings of the Concept.
In: Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships: Discourses, Concepts, and Reflections. . ed. /Tomás Bayón; Martin Eisend; Jochen Koch; Albrecht Söllner; Markus Vodosek; Heinz-Theo Wagner. Cham : Springer 2021, p. 1-28 (Contributions to Management Science)
Book chapter > peer review
Michael J. Mol; Madeleine Rauch / Time : Three Temporal Lenses on International Business Research.
In: Proceedings of the Eighty-first Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. ed. /Sonia Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2021, 1 p. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Conference abstract in proceedings > peer review
More results... (total 22 results)
Academic Interests

Outside activities

No outside activities reported.