CBS Maritime Hosts National Research Venture on Green Shipping

Thursday 22 September, Department of Operations Management hosted a seminar of the Blue INNOship attended by 70 participants from the partnership that focuses on development of technologies to reduce CO2 and sulfur emissions significantly in the shipping industry. The partnership is the biggest national venture so far into developing green technologies for the maritime sector.


All the project partners presented the aims of their projects, relevant findings, project challenges and solutions, and the relevance for others. The presentations provided a very good overview of ongoing Blue INNOship projects and will help facilitate possible collaborations between the project partners.

Like other industries, the maritime industry is experiencing commoditization, where marine equipment products become more similar from a buyer’s point of view due to the increased global competition. Commoditization has penetrated into the industry in depth and breadth, affecting both sides of the maritime value chain: equipment suppliers and ship owners. Both parties are challenged by the traditional "price" tag mentality, where suppliers strive hard to engage customers with the best price while ship owners still rely on the easy-and-fast price judgment to decide which vendor they want to have, for what period, and for what kind of products. This leads to an unsustainable business model, where shipowners focus on squeezing the price tag and suppliers focus on minimizing cost which creates barriers for innovation.

As a part of the partnership, researchers at CBS are responsible for the project ‘Servitization: Creating the market by understanding the price, cost, contracts and financing’. The project aims at building up the competences of marine equipment manufacturers and service providers and advancing their long-term relationship with customers. The project focuses on the critical elements in servitization, namely setting the price and managing the cost, handling risks through contract, and providing guidance on suitable financial tools.

The team working on the project consists of Carsten Ørts Hansen, Head of Department of Operations Management, Liping Jiang, Associate Professor, Tor Hjorth-Falsted, Project Manager at Danish Maritime, at CBS, and Henriette Schleimann, PhD fellow at CBS.

Read more about the project and upcoming seminars.

For further information about the Blue INNOship project, please contact Head of Department Carsten Ørts Hansen or Liping Jiang, Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School.

The page was last edited by: CBS Maritime // 12/17/2017